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Sports & Recreation > Football > Kevin Blackistone: Favre Not the Best Qb Ever

Kevin Blackistone: Favre Not the Best Qb Ever

Although Favre is my main man, I still have to say Favre is one of the top 3 QB's, ever.

First of all, there is no scientific equation, to fairly decide who is THE BEST QB in the history of the NFL. Opinions are like.....well you know what's, everyone has one.

Maybe Kevin's timing is what sent me over the edge, my weak heart could not take much, to begin with. But how dare he, while the ink wasn't even dry yet, decide that Favre isn't the best and why.

This ignoramus actually had the gall to suggest that Tom Brady will top Joe Montana. Is it just me, or does this suggestion strike a nerve with anyone else? How on God's green earth, can we predict what will happen to the Patriot's organization, let alone Tom Brady's future.

Who is to say that Tom Brady will not get injured in training camp?? Or that Tom Brady will not be tossed around like a rag doll, like he was in the Superbowl???

Put all of that aside and you have Tom Brady who has relied on a very good run game, where Favre was never equipped to have a very effective run game. Not to mention that Favre wanted to use the arm he was given and the talent to at least give his receivers the chance to win the game.

You want to compare enthusiasm and passion, Favre tops the charts, hands down. There is no other QB that was as fun to watch play, even when he was throwing for an interception.

Using Superbowl rings as a basis of deciding who is best, is not fair. A QB has nothing to do with the drafting and free agency----if you don't have the tools, you work with what you do have. Favre did a heck of a job, with the few good running backs and receivers that he did have.

It also isn't fair to use Favre's interceptions, against him. How many times did Favre throw the ball away in a game that they actually had a chance at winning? Favre wanted to win each and every game, even if it meant missing his target.

The last handful of seasons, Favre did not have an experienced team, which resulted in many missed plays and a turn over--who do you hold accountable for that?

I end this vent session with this....there is no simple way to decide who is the best QB ever. In my heart, I would love to say Favre but I have to go with Montana, he deserves it.

I made a suggestion to Blackistone, that he write an article titled: Why Patrick Swayze isn't the best actor EVER. (Swayze has been diagnosed with cancer--if you didn't know)

Clowns like Blackistone, belong in the circus.

posted on Mar 6, 2008 2:33 PM ()


You really do like Favre
comment by strider333 on Mar 6, 2008 8:36 PM ()
Favre was great I am sorry to see him go
comment by subversive on Mar 6, 2008 8:11 PM ()
Good article!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 6, 2008 6:53 PM ()
By-the-way GREAT article!
comment by whereabouts on Mar 6, 2008 6:00 PM ()
sorry, belong in the circus.
comment by annaswalking on Mar 6, 2008 2:36 PM ()

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