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Life & Events > Sunday and Sketch

Sunday and Sketch

My boyfriend loves me. Just absolutely loves me. Loves me!!!

Sunday was my first day off, and I got up at 7am hoping to have the quiet morning and coffee to myself and my brain. I had to cram a bunch of sketches and monologues into my head for Pop Sketch at IO West. That's right! I was in a Sketch Show on Sunday. I was hysterical. My cast mates were hysterical. It was awesome.

My man got up when I did. Coincidentally. I sat out in the sunshine on his patio and studied. He jammed to music and was absolutely dreamy. He even helped me with my lines.

I had to leave at 9:45 to walk over to IO. It was absolutely gorgeous on Sunday. Autumnal. Brisk. Warm. Perfect for camping or cabin life.

10am rehearsal went on until 1:30pm. I was cooked. After working 6days for 12hrs a day in the wildly extreme elements, rehearsing lines I had just memorized utilized all my energy and brainpower. As I walked home from Hollywood, I just wanted to crawl into bed. Still, I stopped at the grocery story for a couple boxes of cereal and a carton of milk. My man loves cereal in the morning, and as we were to be sleeping at my house ... I thought cereal was the least I could do. That and programming the coffeemachine to start brewing at 5:30a. Love modern technology!!

Got home around 2pm and crashed until 5:30p. Got up and stumbled around my apartment cleaning the bathroom, the crap in the living room, the kitchen and all the clothes that seemed to inhabit my bedroom floor and not the hangers in the closet.

I was to join my man and a buddy at 3 of Clubs for a motorcycle doc. I love biker dudes. Crack me up. All the chest puffing and the leather and Frye's and testosterone.

But, I couldn't make it. My house had priority. I finally got out of my place at 9:30p to make it to Hollywood for 10pm call.

Our show was at 11p and we had around 40+ folks there. They laughed at almost everything. It was a riot.

Got home around 1am and found my man sleeping in my bed. He rustled awake as I tried to slip in soundlessly. "Have a good show, baby?" "I killed," I smiled and kissed him. We had to be up at 5:45am, so I didn't press him to see the show. I didn't think it'd be fair to make him tired, and I knew the joy of performing would push me through a short slumber into a busy 12hr workday.

I love him. Absolutely love him.

posted on Oct 13, 2008 8:45 PM ()


Sounds like a lot of fun!
comment by hayduke on Oct 16, 2008 10:06 AM ()
Congrats on the show!!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Oct 15, 2008 12:46 PM ()
awesome! Congrats on it going so well with your man and your job!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2008 9:11 AM ()
That was quite a day and a great one
comment by stiva on Oct 14, 2008 6:51 AM ()

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