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News & Issues > Layman Terms: Fiat Currency & Inflation Explained

Layman Terms: Fiat Currency & Inflation Explained


Thanks for your response.

I just wanted to comment on the monetary system for that is the single most important negative issue impacting our
economy.  You see, back in the day, our currency was back by gold and
silver which is a tangible and valuable commodity called "the Gold
Standard".  Because gold and silver were too heavy and cumbersome to
carry around, the US Government created paper "gold and silver notes"
as a means of easier exchange.  This is referred to as "representative
money".  The notes were "as good as gold" and were redeemable at the US
Mint for their face value in Gold and Silver.

Back in the early
1970's, Richard Nixon, single handedly made the decision to create a
"fiat" currency, which is a currency that has NO commodity backing and
it's only means of exchange is based on the "faith" of the currency. 
It has no tangible dollar value what-so-ever.  Ever since, we've been
operating on a "fiat" currency whose value is only the paper in which
it is printed on.  Your current dollar is a "Federal Reserve NOTE",
this is a "debt".  You are essentially exchanging debt for goods and
services and not something of value for those goods and services.

The Federal Reserve,
which is a "private" banking corporation, creates inflation by printing
money "out of thin air".  You see, the money that is in circulation
derives it's value based on the amount of money in circulation, the
number of people, and the total amount of purchasable goods and
services.  By printing more money, they make each dollar worth less
than it was prior to them printing the additional new money.  Think of
a stock valued at $100 a share and then the company does a split
reducing each share to $50/share.  Now you have double the shares that
are worth the same amount of money.  The value doesn't change just the
number of shares do making each individual share less valuable.  That
is the same with fiat money.  The practice of printing more money is
what "inflation" is.  Whenever they print more money, inflation goes up
because now each share/dollar is worth less and so goes up the cost of
gasoline, food, and everything else because you have to use more shares
to buy the same goods and services while your share of wage increases
does not keep up pace with the monetary inflation,
making people less able to purchase those same goods and services and
thereby reducing the value of your overall shares and subsequently
increasing debt.

40-50% of the gasoline price increases are a
direct result of monetary inflation.  Our current financial crisis is a
direct result of monetary inflation so the only way to cure the
financial crisis is to get out of fiat dollars and into a solid
currency that is backed by a valuable commodity.

US has no money, so in order to provide $700 billion as a bailout, the
Federal Reserve will have to print that money out of thin air thereby
reducing the value of your current dollar (which is actually a debt)
and creating more inflation and more debt.  The only solution is no
solution - let them fail.  It will be extremely difficult for a short
period of time, probably a year or so, but then things will recover and
rebound if we apply sound monetary principals and sound economic
principals to our ways and standards of living.

The current
monetary practices, principles, and structure is simply Capitalist
gains for the super elite and very select few but socialistic debt for
the remaining many.  People need to get off their duffs and take a
stand because if they do not, life as we know it is over.

for responding and I hope you take a moment to contact your
representatives and speak your mind.  Feel free to use any part of my
letter in yours.  The only thing that matters is that people stand up
and do the right thing and start thinking independently rather than
follow the pied piper off the cliff.

you have any questions about anything you don't understand and want to
know more, please do not hesitate to write me or call me.  I always
have time to do the right thing.  :)


Laura Burke

posted on Sept 27, 2008 9:35 AM ()


Wow! This sounds a lot like Ron Paul... what he's been saying all along, and no one would give him a real platform for his ideas! I think Strider had a video with Ron Paul, and I commented there. I did say that I was feeling bad that he wasn't given a chance to speak at all during the debates. If only they had let him speak, perhaps they wouldn't be so surprised that everything came crashing down!
comment by sunlight on Sept 27, 2008 11:08 PM ()

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