CEO ++++ >Cash Salary _Stock & Other Pay_Total Pay
Lehman Brothers
2007 Richard Fuld $5,000,000 $66,770,000 $71,770,000
2006 Richard Fuld $7,000,000 $55,323,679 $62,323,679
2005 Richard Fuld $14,500,000 $89,500,000 $104,000,000
2004 Richard Fuld $11,000,000 $24,300,000 $35,300,000
Morgan Stanley
2007 John Mack $800,000 $16,431,500 $17,231,500
2006 John Mack $800,000 $6,321,000 $7,121,000
2005 John Mack $337,534 $30,000,000 $30,337,534
Goldman Sachs
2007 Lloyd Blankfein $27,600,000 $15,500,000 $43,100,000
2006 Lloyd Blankfein $27,800,000 $15,700,000 $43,500,000
2006 Henry Paulson $129,087,000 $34,900,000 $163,987,000 <+++ This is the man that "WE' are to believe will fix what went wrong on Wall Street!
2005 Henry Paulson $600,000 $3,363,422 $3,963,422 <+++ This is the man that "WE' are to believe will fix what went wrong on Wall Street!
2004 Henry Paulson $600,000 $11,660,000 $12,260,000 <+++ This is the man that "WE' are to believe will fix what went wrong on Wall Street!
Bear Stearns
2006 James Cayne $17,300,000 $14,800,000 $32,100,000
2005 James Cayne $12,900,000 $10,300,000 $23,200,000
2004 James Cayne $10,200,000 $9,500,000 $19,700,000
Merrill Lynch
2007 John Thain $15,800,000 $0 $15,800,000
2007 E. Stanley O'Neal $584,000 $161,000,000 $161,584,000
2006 E. Stanley O'Neal $19,200,000 $45,116,327 $64,316,327
2005 E. Stanley O'Neal $14,800,000 $3,120,000 $17,920,000
2004 E. Stanley O'Neal $700,000 $16,766,448 $17,466,448
Washington Mutual
2007 Kerry K. Killinger $1,000,000 $3,468,625 $4,468,625
2006 Kerry K. Killinger $5,100,000 $17,153,715 $22,253,715
2005 Kerry K. Killinger $4,600,000 $8,876,608 $13,476,608
2004 Kerry K. Killinger $2,900,000 $12,335,416 $15,235,416
2007 Martin J. Sullivan $10,200,000 $5,647,439 $15,847,439
2006 Martin J. Sullivan $16,900,000 $5,838,656 $22,738,656
2005 Martin J. Sullivan $7,750,000 $159,000 $7,909,000
2004 M.R. "Hank" Greenberg $1,400,000 $12,002,880 $13,402,880
Fannie Mae
2007 Daniel Mudd $3,200,000 $5,200,000 $8,400,000
2006 Daniel Mudd $4,400,000 $2,290,000 $6,690,000
Freddie Mac
2007 Richard Syron $5,590,000 $0 $5,590,000
2006 Richard Syron $5,150,000 $0 $5,150,000
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
More on CEO'S
Rank Name Company Pay ++> ($mil) <++
1 Lawrence J Ellison Oracle 192.92
2 Frederic M Poses Trane 127.10
3 Aubrey K McClendon Chesapeake Energy 116.89
4 Angelo R Mozilo Countrywide Financial 102.84
5 Howard D Schultz Starbucks 98.60
6 Nabeel Gareeb MEMC Electronic Mats 79.56
7 Daniel P Amos Aflac 75.16
8 Lloyd C Blankfein Goldman Sachs Group 73.72
9 Richard D Fairbank Capital One Financial 73.17
10 Bob R Simpson XTO Energy 72.27
11 Richard S Fuld Jr Lehman Bros Holdings 71.90
12 Steven Roth Vornado Realty 71.85
13 Marijn E Dekkers Thermo Fisher 69.00
14 Steven A Burd Safeway 67.17
15 Gregg L Engles Dean Foods 66.08
16 Nicholas D Chabraja General Dynamics 60.26
17 Leslie H Wexner Limited Brands 56.06
18 David C Novak Yum Brands 54.91
19 John T Chambers Cisco Systems 54.77
20 William R Berkley WR Berkley 54.60
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
International Group CEO Robert Willumstad has turned down $22 million
in severance after his three-month tenure at the largest U.S. based
insurer, according to reports in Bloomberg and the Guardian. Story here.
took over AIG after a stint running a global investment fund, after he
was forced out of Citigroup after losing the top job in a mid-2000s
power struggle. Willumstad tried to develop a plan to save AIG from
massive losses on insurance for subprime-loan investments by banks and
other clients, but ended up negotiating with state regulators and the
federal government, which ended up taking a controlling stake in AIG,
after Standard & Poor's threatened to downgrade the company.
Willumstad refused the cash, he's setting a precedent for other
executives tempted to take the money and run. And he's a potential hero
for angry citizens who don't see why the public should pick up the
pieces for executives whose companies fell apart -- though, in
Willumstad's case, the problems were inherited from others. https://www.bloomber news?pid= 20601087&sid=ahjpRgE9a4MI&refer=home