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Politics & Legal > New Bailout Bill: Dear Congresswoman Biggert ...

New Bailout Bill: Dear Congresswoman Biggert ...

From: "Laura"
To: "Judy" , ""
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Future Bailout Measures

Dear Congresswoman Biggert:

First, I'd like to thank you for doing the right thing yesterday and
voting against the Paulson Plan. Even in it's revised state, it did
not address the real financial issues facing this nation which is the
debasing of our currency.

Following is a letter I sent urging my contacts to get involved in and
to do something about the current financial crisis. There is very
important information in that letter that I do hope you take the time
to read. We must not allow the global banking elite to trash our
nation by debasing our currency through pitifully poor monetary
policies while stripping Americans of their Constitution rights,
liberties, and freedoms as with what happened with the Patriot Act and
so many others.

No bill of this magnitude should be introduced and voted on in such a
short period of time. No bill should ever not be viewable by the
public sufficiently in advance of the vote. That is so unAmerican. No
Congress person should ever vote on a bill that they have not
thoroughly read and fully dissected which includes testimonies from
experts and the public on all sides of the issue at hand. This is
critical to preserving the freedoms as set forth in the US
Constitution, ensuring the nation that our principals of government
remain as they were intended by our Founding Fathers.

Please stand up for the Constitution of the United States of America
and do not allow this travesty of unconstitutional actions to continue
and devalue our precious form of government. There is no amount of
money that can supercede the foundation of our nation and of our
Republic of people - for the people, by the people. The will of the
people is the government of the United States of America.

Best regards,

Laura Burke
Lockport, IL 60441

From: Laura Burke
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 8:22:52 AM
Subject: Re: Martial Law declare in Congress last night and Palin issue.

The article below explains why the declaration of Martial Law in Congress is so important.

Keep on your representatives about the Bill because it will come back
to the floor most likely on Thursday. Additionally, the Federal Reserve
just infused $620 Billion into the Financial markets only hours prior
to the vote yesterday. The result of this will essentially have the
same impact on the dollar's negative value; i.e., depreciation, as if
the $700 Billion bailout bill passed since in order for them to provide
the money, they have to print it.

Making sure these bailout bills in their present form do not pass are
critical to the future of this nation, it's financial future and the
Greenback's continued existence. This is very serious, so please do not
take it lightly. You must get involved and get in contact with your
representatives and then further make an effort to understand the
economics behind this insane system so we can correct it before there
is a global meltdown and super-hyper inflation (yeah, that's a double
negative, that's the point). Think of paying $40 gallon for gas, and
$1500 per week for food for that is the reality if we allow the
bailouts to continue and do not instead focus on the real issue; the
debasing of our currency through careless monetary policies.

In addition to the credit criss, there is a 1 QUADRILLION Derivatives
monster about to rear it's ugly head. 1 Quadrillion is 1000 Trillion.
The Derivatives market will inevitably fail because it's essentially
out of control bets on debt. The GDP of the entire globe is only about
$60 Trillion so in order for the Derivatives market to have climbed as
high as 1 Quadrillion, many of the bets/investments (promises to pay
when the debt fails) that were made were made by those who simply bet
money they do not have and will not have the ability to pay off that
bet when it comes due. The Derivatives with it's main form of gambling
on CDS (credit default swaps) is the reason why the Fed had to Bail out
AIG, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. This is a big deal. Take a moment to
learn a bit about the Derivatives market and you will begin to
understand how this monster will make the credit crisis look like small

The single most important issue facing the future of this nation is the
debasing of the dollar. Everything else pails in comparison. If your
currency becomes worthless, it doesn't matter what you do, you'll have
nothing unless you've invested in foreign currencies/markets or have a
supply of gold and silver, which I am certain many of you have not and
do not have.

In order for us to solve our Financial crisis we must solve the
currency crisis. The ONLY way to solve the currency crisis is to END
inflation. The only way to end inflation is to prevent the Federal
Reserve from printing more money.

Guys, this is very, very, very serious.

Do something.


posted on Sept 30, 2008 8:09 AM ()

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