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Anthony Colan (Kalanta)
Cleveland, OH


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War News Radio

  • Carrying the Torch
    faisal2.jpg The Olympic flame attracts athletes from across the world. This week on War News Radio, we hear the story of an Iraqi skeleton slider who has been trying for the last 8 years to make it to these games. Also, protests continue against cartoons that first ran in the Danish press, which many Muslims saw as profoundly offensive. We see how the controversy has played out in Denmark and in Iraq. And a conversation with a graphic artist on how she represented the human cost of the Iraq War. Finally, we ask the questions: How good are we at creating new democracies? And does Iraq fit the model? Find out what some experts have to say on the matter. These stories, plus the week's news, from War News Radio.
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  • Comedy Under Fire
    laughter.jpg In the midst of war, comedy can be a welcome escape from violence and conflict. The story is no different in Iraq. This week on War News Radio, we hear the jokes that keep Iraqis laughing. Also, we look at who the media is covering - and not covering ? in the war in Iraq. The CEO of Iraqi Airways gives us a glimpse at the skies over Baghdad. Iraqi literature and poetry tell the tale of life before and after Saddam. And in Iraq 101 we learn the history of the Ba'ath Party and its enduring legacy. These stories, plus the week's news, from War News Radio.
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  • Featuring Iraq
    fragment.jpg Film-maker James Longley spent almost 3 years in Iraq gathering over 300 hours of footage of daily life. The result was the documentary Iraq in Fragments, which is now showing at the Sundance Film Festival. This week on War News Radio, we talk to the director about his unique cinematic perspective on life in Iraq. Also, we look into what the US Army is doing to enhance communication between American troops and Iraqis. And, as part of a new occasional series on American soldiers, we talk to a Muslim Marine about his experience in Iraq. Finally, in light of Hamas' victory in the Palestinian elections, we revisit the question of what terrorism can hope to accomplish. These stories, plus the week's news, from War News Radio. (photo from Iraq in Fragments)
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  • Life in the Ivory Tower
    Mustansiriya1.jpg Iraq's professors have dealt with years of sanctions, looting, low pay, and endless bureaucracy. This week from War News Radio, we hear about what's keeping faculty in Iraq, or driving them away. We speak with an international expert about divisions between Iraqi insurgent groups. And, news of the holiday of Eid ul-Adha. It's a time for reconciliation, being with family, and feasting. We see how Iraqis marked the occasion. These stories, plus the week's news, from War News Radio.

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  • ...War News Radio is on Vacation...
    War News Radio is taking a much needed break. We'll be back with a new program on January 20th.
  • Taking Iraq to School
    How do you teach a war that's still ongoing, and that carries so much political baggage? There's a curriculum available that brings Iraq to high-school classrooms. And, as politicians strike a deal to outlaw inhumane treatment of prisoners in American custody, we visit a center that specializes in treating victims of torture. With parliamentary elections over, we look at what one Iraqi voter thought in the last days of the campaign, and who earned his vote. These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio. Download nowStreaming Audio
  • Images of War
    snow-poster1.jpg This week, from War News Radio, Images of War. We hear about the Iraqi film industry from an aspiring filmaker in Baghdad. And we look at the images Americans are getting - and not getting - of the Iraq war. Last, we visit with an Iraqi artist about how he improvised in order to keep painting through the invasion of Iraq. These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio.

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  • Taking Stock of the War
    ISX.jpg This week, from War News Radio, we review the President's "Plan for Victory" and the reaction it has received. Also, Reuben Heyman-Kantor chats with a soldier's mother who has started her own blog. Then, Wren Elhai gets the scoop on the Iraqi Stock Exchange from its CEO. And, an update on the lawsuit filed by 8 Iraqis who claim they were tortured by American troops. These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio. (photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. D. Myles Cullen)

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  • Should We Stay or Should We Go?
    Walter Jones.jpg This week, from War News Radio, should we stay or should we go? The senate and congress debate if troops should come home or sit tight in 2006. War News Radio takes a look at Congressman and veteran John Murtha's call for immediate withdrawal. We also bring you the story of Walter Jones, one of the first conservative congressmen to withdraw his support of the war. This piece was first aired June 2005. Joseph Christoff of the Government Accountability Office chats about how hard - and how expensive- it is to keep electricity running in Iraq. And finally, American politicians aren't the first leaders trying to figure out an exit strategy. In a History 101 first aired July 2005, we take a look at what the British did when they left Iraq.
    These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio.

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  • The War, at home
    This week on War News Radio, we take a look at Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and why, even after Vietnam, it still often goes untreated. Also, we examine the results of the recent off-year elections and how the War in Iraq played into campaign strategy. And we check in on Iraq's controversial Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmed Chalabi, as he tours the United States. These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio.

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  • As they stand up...
    protest.jpg The President says we won't leave Iraq until Iraqi forces can fend for themselves. How are they doing? This week on War News Radio, we hear about how Iraqi Army recruiting efforts are going. Then we take a look back at how the army operated in Saddam's Iraq--and earlier. As Syrians wrestle with the aftermath of a political assassination, we get the first-hand perspectives of three American students studying in Damascus. And professor/blogger Juan Cole stops by Swarthmore to offer his analysis of the present situation. These stories and the week in review, this week from War News Radio. Download nowStreaming Audio
  • Signing Up
    recruitment.jpg This week, War News Radio investigates a few of the paths that lead young men and women to Iraq. Reporter Tevye Kelman tries to sign up at a recruiting station in Philadelphia. John Williams talks to Individual Ready Reservists who never expected to get called up for duty. Democratic journalist Seymour Hersh and conservative former weapons inspector Scott Ritter speak about the violence they forsee in Iraq's future, and one young Iraqi man tells reporter Wren Elhai about the life he's hoping to have in Warsaw. These stories, plus the week in review, from War News Radio. Download nowStreaming Audio
  • What Next?
    pachachi.jpg This week on War News Radio, Iraq most likely has a constitution, but what next? Sunni politician Adnan Pachachi gives WNR his prediction of key issues for the December elections. Is instability spreading to Iraq's neighbors? Reporter Reuben Heyman-Kantor gets an international perspective on new friction between Syria and the US. Condoleezza Rice testifies about US military plans for Iraq, and reporter Ben Firestone takes a look at what the senate had to say in response. Then the Senate gets a dismal progress report on economic reconstruction in Iraq, and reporter Elizabeth Wright examines what's been left undone.

    These stories, plus the week in review, from War News Radio. Download nowStreaming Audio
  • Law and Order
    Military base photo This week, Reuben Heyman-Kantor looks into whether or not the US is building permanent military bases in Iraq. Aaron Strong examines the status of women's rights in Kurdistan. Are women in the Kurdish north of Iraq really better off than their Arab counterparts? And, in a new edition of Iraq 101, Anne Kolker puts Saddam Hussein's upcoming trial into context. These stories plus an update on the constitutional referendum.

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  • One Nation...Indivisible?
    We the people of Iraq, newly arisen from our disasters and looking with confidence to the future through a democratic, federal, republican system, are determined - men and women, old and young - to respect the rule of law, reject the policy of aggression, pay attention to women and their rights, the elderly and their cares, the children and their affairs, spread the culture of diversity and defuse terrorism. -from the preamble of the proposed Iraqi constitution (AP translation)
    This week, a War News Radio special on the Constitution. First, Hansi Lo Wang takes a looks at this week's efforts to distribute 5 million copies of the document. He gets the official story from the UN, and the unofficial story from citizens in Baghdad. Then Eva Barboni asks three experts to explain what works and what doesn't in the proposed constitution. It is a document very open to interpretation, and John Turner, Juan Cole, and Brendan O'Leary have very different opinions about who the constitution puts in power, and how it should be read. These stories plus the week in review.
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posted on Feb 7, 2008 5:44 PM ()

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