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Politics & Legal > Practiced at the Art of Deception

Practiced at the Art of Deception

It gives me no pleasure to say this but the Presidential race is over. Only a mega-blast of reality can prevent O’Bama from being elected. To stop what is about to happen would require a reality shock of the type that would shake a cultist out of his compound. And that sort of thing takes a lot of persuasion. People will drink the poisoned kool-aid and burn themselves and their children alive before they’ll give up their messiahs.

O’bamaism is a cult – by calculated design. A lot of folks on the Right think B.O. sat in that church of his to feed his racist nature. But that’s only part of the reason he sat there. Barack was born with a gift for public speaking. He'd been cultivateing that talent for some time and intended to take full advantage of it. He wanted to learn the secret of how to gain so much psychological power over people that they could be made to believe he was God. So he searched out a master of mind control in order to study at his feet. Rev. Wright was the model he chose.

We’ve now all seen the speeches of raging racism given by Rev. Wright and the way he was able to make his followers dance in a frenzy of hatred. That’s the kind of “enthusiasm” that can only be generated by religious leaders and by political leaders with mad power disease. Barack has that power now and he’s certain of his ability to use it.

Yes, this is a historical moment, and for more reasons than the color of the projected President’s skin. A new low is being reached in political manipulation and it’s sure to catch on. It is religious mesmerism. Religious mesmerism is the power demonstrated in Trinity Church by Wright and Pfleger. The same power that was present at Jonestown and Waco. No different than the power that led the nation of Germany to slay and be slain by the millions. The same power that causes men to strap on bombs and fly aircraft into buildings.

The Jews swore “Never Again!” Yet among O’Bama’s sheep the Jews stand tall. Ready to turn all of their power over to yet another deceitful manipulator even before all of Hitler’s victims have passed away. They did not see Hitler coming when he arrived and they have learned nothing about his style of tactics from their cultural experience. But Barack certainly has. And most American politicians understand that kind of power, too. Until this year, though, none of them has dared to introduce “Hallelujah Jesus” preacher methods into the political milieu. I have always been astonished by the power Hitler had over the German people and how he was able to manipulate them to commit mass murder and all out war. I’ve been considering it carefully for most of my 60 years and have come to the conclusion that there is little difference in the mind control tactics of politicians of the Hitler type and those of cult leaders. Only the gods are different.

As I watch the news I see the media and the Left glorifying – no deifying – Barack, proclaiming him to be a politician extraordinaire. They do not understand that what makes him seem extraordinary is that he brings something new to politics. A method of manipulating the minds of The People that the founding fathers never dreamt of. Ol’ timey religion mixed with politics and even including a miracle or two.

I’ve also watched in amazement as smug Leftists, who have always sneered down their noses at the way Christian folk buy into that “Jesus krap”, now flock to a messiah of their own without a clue that they’re worshipping a man just the same.

Barack has been stunningly bold in his tactics. He offers nothing of political substance when he speechifies. He only offers hope, belief, promises of healing, uplifting messages that stir the soul. Pure hallelujah; smoke and miracles. Folks planted in the audience who are ready to faint at critical moments are healed by his word or by a bottle of his holy water. (Someone should research the video of these “faintings” and find out what associations these actors have with B.O.) He’s binging preacher tactics to politics and that is not a good thing. It’s bad enough that we have people whose allegiances are sworn to Parties. We court disaster when people swear their souls to messiahs.

The media has bought into the man completely. Even going so far as to pick up on and assist him with his religious symbolism. Indredible! Photo-shopping him on magazine covers encompassed by a halo. And in another instance backed by a Christian cross! Bias in the media? God forbid! The media will continue to build Barack’s messianic image right up to election day. Of that we can be certain. All pretense of impartiality will be dropped in the present wave of passion.

Now close your eyes and think back on Rev. Wright’s meeting with the “Press Corp”. Remember that show? What was he telling the media with his insipid racist remarks and condescending insults? He was telling them that they were on the outside of a very new and diabolical “secret change” that they, the white media, could not possibly comprehend. It’s a change that none but racist blacks are going to like. (Non-racist blacks will hate it because they are held in contempt by their fellow blacks.) Now open your eyes. How could a Christian minister (Wright), a Catholic priest (Pfleger) and a Black Muslim (Farrakhan) all come together in a common cause? And what is that cause? Well, let me just end this post here and let the talking heads of media work that one out on their own.

posted on June 8, 2008 8:12 AM ()


'is to admit to bigotry. ' I have nothing against nongay people!
comment by greatmartin on June 10, 2008 8:35 AM ()
'The goal of both men is/was to make the people subject their wills to a greater - supernatural - authority' and this is differnt from republican conservatives in what way??
comment by greatmartin on June 9, 2008 9:57 AM ()
No. I'm not comparing Hitler to Obama. I'm saying that the political tactics of the two are very much alike. Hitler modeled himself as a god and Barack is wrapping himself in religious imagery. The goal of both men is/was to make the people subject their wills to a greater - supernatural - authority.
comment by think141 on June 9, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Are you REALLY comparing Obama to Hitler or am I reading it wrong?!?! (Hopefully I am.)That's a low even for a republican conservative!!
comment by greatmartin on June 8, 2008 1:29 PM ()

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