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Politics & Legal > The Politics of Appeasement

The Politics of Appeasement

I’m embarrassed for Senator McCain. His passive appeasement behavior in this election is a mockery of the courageous man he supposedly once was. I see nothing of that man now. What I see is a guy in abject fear of the media and political correctness and showing total deference to both. It causes me and others of conservative bent to wonder that if he’s going to buckle under these pressures on the campaign trail how much better would he be in office.

It’s no secret that the Dem/Socialists and their allies in the media have been looking for any opportunity to inject racism into this campaign and up to last week had failed to light that fuse. In that respect McCain’s tiptoe through the minefield has been a success. But John ought to have known that against such a powerful alliance the matter of avoiding racial politics was not under his control. His opponents can impose it at any moment and there is not a thing John can do about it. The Dem/socialists lit the fire last week and the media is lined up with their gas cans filled and ready.

The Senator has run a model campaign of social delicacy. P/C perfect. Not a hint or suggestion of even the most remote reference to the clean and intelligent Mr. Obama. Promises made by the man whose people have never graced the dollar bill that the racial comments were coming have not materialized. So what do you do? You yell racism in a crowd of white folk and watch the stampede that follows.

It’s a trick as old as dirty politics. You put an operative in your opponent’s rallies to shout YOUR message and otherwise turn the public against you. In this case the operative shouted epithets of racism and violence. It matters not in the least that John and Sarah have said nothing of the sort themselves. It’s close enough for the media to use it to destroy a man who’s trying to fight from his knees in the first place. It was then just a simple matter of painting the incidents as two racists inciting crowds to frenzies of hate and violence. The media, both its dupes and its collaborators, were overjoyed at the chance to do exactly that.

How do you fight an opponent who commands this kind of power and who has no moral constraints or conscience? People say this is Daley’s Chicago politics but this goes well beyond that kind of child’s play. This is not the ordinary politics of corruption and graft. This is Bill Ayers’ politics. This is Stalinist politics. These are the tactics of people who set bombs and kill people to advance their political agendas. Hell, Daley himself is being used by these people and doesn’t even know he’s their dupe.

Racism will be stoked in these next few weeks to be sure. And the Repubs will be blamed for it. The fact is that it will be the Dem/Socialists and their media comrades who create and enflame the fires of hate and it may be impossible to stop them from doing it. But there is a chance. The tapes of the rallies where these incidents have occurred need to be reviewed and the people who did the shouting need to be hunted down and identified for their political associations. If they can be exposed as operatczeks of the Dem/Socialist Party we might still save our Democratic process by exposing the whole socialist takeover of the Democrat party that has been going on since the 60’s.

One thing is for certain. Appeasement has done nothing to enhance McCain’s image as a fighter for the people. He’s been letting his enemies walk all over him like a polar bear pelt. You may as well unleash Sarah and go down fighting. Either way you’re likely to lose so why put up with the indignities of laying supine before your enemies?

posted on Oct 13, 2008 7:59 AM ()

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