I cannot believe the sheer idiocy I’ve been hearing everywhere in the media these days. I just cannot believe we have learned absolutely nothing from the killing of our steel industry. The same killers are at work destroying the auto industry that were behind the death of our steel industry and the same lies are being told that were being told then. No one will tell the truth about who the killers are and damn few can figure it out for themselves. Idiot America simply nods and baas every time it’s told that the auto industry is in the fix it’s in because of its own mismanagement.
In my lifetime I have seen “mismanagement†kill not only the steel industry but at least three great American auto makers as well; Packard, AMC and Studebaker. I may yet see the other three automakers go down from “mismanagement†as well before I’m done. But who makes our trains now and what happened to that industry? Or why is our airline industry unfit to fly pigs and unable get back on its feet? And were we not at one time the world leaders in electronic innovation and manufacture. Are you so stupid that you believe all of them mismanaged themselves into the toilet?
There is no question what-so-ever what is destroying this nation’s industrial base. It is our own government above all. The taxation and regulation policies of government amount to nothing less than extortion. Add to this the extortion tactics employed by unions and an out of control mob of litigators in a sewer system of law and you might begin to comprehend the impossibility of running an honest business in our corrupt and stupid nation.
And now – just beginning to materialize before our eyes – we see the evil spirit; the gremlin that has been constantly at work behind the scenes gumming up the machinery of industry at every opportunity, international communism. Not only are they now visible but they will have achieved complete control of government in a handful of days.
But let us consider b what means the American experiment can be resuscitated. Can we really patch it together again? If we bail out the auto industry and the rest of the economy will that reverse our fall? Not a chance. We have done as much as we possibly can in patching our government inflicted ice pick wounds. We’re going down.
One of our political pigs pushed me to outrage last night. This fool, Chuck Hagel, had the temerity to say that conservatives constantly complain about government but never offer any solutions. Well the obvious solution, Chuck, is to collect every politician who is as crooked or stupid as you and run ‘em down to Mexico. That would solve the problem, Chuck, but since you hold the power it ain’t going to happen is it?
As a matter of fact I’ve heard many solutions addressing our various national crises come from conservatives - and Chuck has too. It is a standard political tactic used by petty politicians to deflect blame back on his accusers. So I’ll repeat the solution I gave last week to every economic problem that we have right now. And you won’t do a damn thing to implement it, Chucky. Cause you’re a pig.
Our situation today, and the reason the American experiment is faltering, is that the founding fathers made two mistakes:
1. They did not qualify properly who should have the privilege to vote.
2. They did not institute separation of Commerce and State.
As to point 1 Americans are under the impression that every citizen has a ‘right’ to vote. Of course that’s not true. If it were true 1st graders could vote. Exactly who should vote is not up for discussion here but the next American experiment had better include it. Else wise we may as well have 1st graders voting.
As to point 2 the founding fathers were wise for insisting on the freedom of religion. Had they been just a little more insightful they would have done the same for commerce. As it is government has manipulated commerce for its own enrichment from the beginning. Virtually every politician has his hand in the pockets of hapless industry. Yet these same politicians, on rails polished by the media, are able to demonize industry to The People to the point of their own destruction. It would not be too late to save the nation if an amendment for separation of Commerce and State were to be passed. Fat chance.
Should the auto industry be bailed out? Hell yeah. Government put it in this position and it needs to fix the problem and get the hell out business’ business for ever.
This is 4th. grade math, figure it out...less sales with lower price- junk...more sales higher price- smart quality management...AMC and Studebaker were great companies, what the heel you been smoking, AMC was here in Wisconsin and there's still local jokes here on how they built those cars so crappy...break off a bolt head and screw it on, families had to sell them to keep their kids from falling through the rust holes