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Yankees Buying Spree

Just wondering what the Commish is doing about the recent spending spree of the Yankees. Probably not much as the TV moguls want a champion from the great metro area of NY. So, lets wait and see just how fat and deep the pockets are as their new stadium does not come cheap nor do the seats.
Last year Detroit looked as if they had bought themselves a title. On paper and on the field are two different animals. I would not be surprised to see the big lefty struggle in NY and AJ has a history of injuries. So, maybe their is hope for the rest of the league as poor, small market Tampa Bay does not have the deep pockets of the big boys f rom NY or Boston.
I still like the Red Sox even though they are missing a big time hitter in Manny. Bay is a solid enough player. The Red Sox should win this division as the Yankees are gambling on their 2 new acquisitions to propel them into first place.
The Rays may have a sleeper in this young man with the good left arm who they brought up late last year. If he is for real, the Rays need only a closer and they will again repeat as a playoff team.
I do enjoy this sport. Looking forward to Spring Training as we will be headed down to see the Braves at Kissimee Fla.

posted on Dec 17, 2008 12:51 PM ()


Looks good for Texiera going to Boston.
comment by jondude on Dec 17, 2008 1:45 PM ()
Homer! Glad to read you again!
1. They can have C.C. The Indians have a better Cy Young pitcher in Cliff Lee.
2. Look at all the money Steinbrenner spent on the guys he has had the past six or seven years, and they either didn't make the playoffs or crashed when they got there. I expect the same this coming season.
3. Tampa is no fluke.
4. The BoSox are a great and memorable team.
5. Manny loves LA.
6. Whoever wins the AL will have to go through the Phillies.
comment by jondude on Dec 17, 2008 12:58 PM ()

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