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Sports & Recreation > Racing > Watkins Glen Nascar

Watkins Glen Nascar

Well, this afternoon the boys of Nascar go at it on a road course that at one time was one boring event. However, with the advent of the new race tracks that are mammouth, resulting in a Sunday drive for the family, until the last 20-30 laps, the road courses now offer a little excitment for the TV viewers.
The man from down under won the Nationwide yesterday and I would hope that he would be a favorite for todays race. The 18 looked good and the 48 wants this one bad. This should make for some interesting racing and fuel strategy. Hopefully, this race offers some type of excitement for the TV viewers.
I keep on mentioning the TV viewers as they have an alternative, if the race is boring. However, the fans at the track are stuck watching a race that sometimes is just plain boring. What draws the fans to the track is the pre-race activities. Meeting new friends and reaquainting with old friends is special. Not to mention the food. Unbelievable what comes of a grill or a smoker. Not to mention a few "sips" for whatever ails you.
We used to go to Charlotte Atlanta, Daytona and now only take in Bristol. The race in Alabama is one that I would enjoy going to, however, doubtful at this time. Bristsol is situated in a beautiful mountain environment and will probably get us back their for a race or two. However, what was once labled "Thunder Valley" has turned into "Blisfull Beauty" as the race is now similar to the long tracks as the"boys" ride around and around and around until the last 20 or so laps and then race.
So, lets hope that Watkins Glen can deliver an exciting afternoon of racing and bring back the "banging, slamming, in your face" racing that made this sport what if once was.

posted on Aug 9, 2009 9:02 AM ()

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