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Politics & Legal > I Want to Be President of the USA

I Want to Be President of the USA

I am in my late 60's and I have seen enough of political correct statements. I will tell it as it is from a United States point of view.
Here is my platform and if elected, I hope to make it through the first year before a bullit finds me.

I will withdraw troops from the Middle East and place these troops on our borders. I do not care, nor does the majority of the American population of how the religious fanatics control and run their countries. I do care, however, how many illegals come into this country and suck our system dry.

I will not allow pork bills to come across my desk. How? I will stress to Congress that any and all bills that come to my desk for signature, be no more than 50 pages in length.. If that is not enough pages, submit another bill with another 50 page limitation.

I will stress to the people of the United States that they must advise their Congress representatives that their needs to be accounta bility on their part. How? Term limits so that 8 is enough!

I will insist that all, and I mean all, graduates of our highschools have 2 choices, the Military or the Peace Corp. The College experience will have to wait until some maturity sets in.

I will push for a National Sales Tax with the intent of eliminating the IRS.

Lastly, I will push for a bill to honor the Females or Males, who stay at home to raise children. This will be in the form of a monetary compensation that will be considered as wages and subject to taxation.

Elect me and I will not play political games with you. I may be shot, electocuted, poisoned or quietly dissapear, but at least you will have had a person who will speak up for your interests.

posted on Dec 21, 2009 4:48 PM ()

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