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Sports & Recreation > Baseball > NY Yankees World Series Champs

NY Yankees World Series Champs

They ARE the Champions of baseball and they did play better and are deserving of the title. I am not a big Yankee fan, but, they did buy the team to beat, and I do not believe any other team has the money or the manpower to challenge them. The Red Sox may, but they do have some problems with aging. Same for the Yanks, but they appear to have the young guns to move on up and play at a high level.
Was extremely happy for Matsui as he emits professionalism and is not a hot dog. I do not know what his future will be, but, he may just go on back to Japan and play out his legacy in his home country.
A-Rod I can not stand as he emits arrogance and the Philly pitchers did what any red blooded American would do. They threw at him and were successful on a few occasions. However, again, he did finally produce in the Post Season and a tip of the hat to him.
Girardi, what can you say about him? Loved him when he managed the Marlins and respected his command of the team. I believe the Yankees are in for a long run with this man as he is on top of his game.
So, good wishes to them damned Yankees for going out and producing when there was pressure on them to win, as the money they are paid is outrageous and they knew that they had to win to justify the ownerships belief in them.
With that said and done, lets go Tampa Bay and get your selves a starting pitcher and a closer and you will challenge the Yankees next year.

posted on Nov 5, 2009 1:11 PM ()

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