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Home & Garden > Fla Freeze Does Em In

Fla Freeze Does Em In

Never did I expect to go through a 12 day concurrent event as we just had here in North Central Fla, more precisely in the Ocala National Forest. One day out of the 12, it made it up to 35 at night. The rest? Hard Freeze of the high teens to about 26 for a high, and for over 4 hours. Most nights it stayed in the 20's for at least 6 to 7 hours.
Well, on Jan 2nd we covered all the plants and today I took off the covers and ,voila! Not too many left, in fact, other than the Stag Horn Ferns, the rest looked as if they have been fried. The Azaleas and Pompas Grass look Ok.The Shrimp plants may be OK. The ferns, other than Boston variety, are gonners. The Hibiscus are done. The begonias look sad. The dwarf varieties of Alamander look cooked. The knock out roses made it. The Powderpuffs are looking like they have wilted. The wave petunias made it. The ivy made it as well.
Most of the gonners will come back in the Spring. In the meantime, it is pretty bleak looking out back. The area was really hit this year and it is only January. El Nino has hit us pretty good in the South.
I am not complaining as I have seen what the rest of the country is going through.
In fact, still playing golf 3 times a week even though most ;people think we are nuts to play in this type of cold.
So, here's looking forward to warmer weather and to a bright and cheerful Spring so that Mother Nature again fills our back yard with her abundance of brilliant colors!

posted on Jan 14, 2010 12:54 PM ()

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