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Politics & Legal > Mitt: the Eddie Haskell Factor

Mitt: the Eddie Haskell Factor

Mitt Romney looks his time may have ran out, but not his money. This is a classic match up really between an honest man and a terrible liar. I truly believe it was the last straw for a lot of Republicans is when Mitt pulled his latest "Eddie Haskell" prank on those poor people in Michigan telling them those old auto industry jobs can come back, and he will bring them back. National polls show John McCain with a lead of 20 percentage points on poor Mitt. Can anyone believe this guy calling John a liberal when Romney's record speaks for itself? He's the king of flippers. All one has to do is go to You Tube. But wait, Mitt has changed his mind on everything, abortion, universal health care, gun control while being governor of the most Liberal State in the union?

Well his plan to sham people with all with his personal wealth is about to come to a climax. The funny thin about it, is the extreme right is running around saying the Republican house is burning down if John McCain is the nominee? I guess they're only use to having chameleons as candidates. The truth of the matter is, John McCain is heading for victory and maybe it's time to finally send that final spike into vampires on this loony fringe for who they really are. I think America is sick of the ugly partisan grenades being thrown while nothing gets done.

There is a gathering storm cloud coming this fall for the Republican Party regardless of which party wins the general election. It's been 8 years of a train wreck and there's change in the air. This fall the Democrats are definitely going to seize a larger majority in both houses and they know it. It's very easily possible that the opposition party will end up with a 40 percent minority. This is a good thing for Republicans however, for the cleansing has finally began to return the GOP back to true conservatism and away from the neoconservatives and their failed policies. They may just find themselves locked out of their own party and it's driving them up the wall.

So the question remains, when will Mitt finally bite the dust? It could very well be tomorrow because Romney is selling a lot of garbage out of his estimated 200 million of his personal wealth, and people are just not buying it.

Mitt Romney looks his time may have ran out, but not his money. This is a classic match up really between an honest man and a terrible liar. I truly believe it was the last straw for a lot of Republicans is when Mitt pulled his latest "Eddie Haskell" prank on those poor people in Michigan telling them those old auto industry jobs can come back, and he will bring them back. National polls show John McCain with a lead of 20 percentage points on poor Mitt. Can anyone believe this guy calling John a liberal when Romney's record speaks for itself? He's the king of flippers. All one has to do is go to You Tube. But wait, Mitt has changed his mind on everything, abortion, universal health care, gun control while being governor of the most Liberal State in the union?

Well his plan to sham people with all with his personal wealth is about to come to a climax. The funny thin about it, is the extreme right is running around saying the Republican house is burning down if John McCain is the nominee? I guess they're only use to having chameleons as candidates. The truth of the matter is, John McCain is heading for victory and maybe it's time to finally send that final spike into vampires on this loony fringe for who they really are. I think America is sick of the ugly partisan grenades being thrown while nothing gets done.

There is a gathering storm cloud coming this fall for the Republican Party regardless of which party wins the general election. It's been 8 years of a train wreck and there's change in the air. This fall the Democrats are definitely going to seize a larger majority in both houses and they know it. It's very easily possible that the opposition party will end up with a 40 percent minority. This is a good thing for Republicans however, for the cleansing has finally began to return the GOP back to true conservatism and away from the neoconservatives and their failed policies. They may just find themselves locked out of their own party and it's driving them up the wall.

So the question remains, when will Mitt finally bite the dust? It could very well be tomorrow because Romney is selling a lot of garbage out of his estimated 200 million of his personal wealth, and people are just not buying it.

posted on Feb 4, 2008 8:40 PM ()


Romney is done...he's pulling out.
comment by whereabouts on Feb 7, 2008 11:00 AM ()

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