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The Path

Life & Events > Magdalena


Echoing down through the corridors of time,
Upon the lap I hear the sweet songs and rhymes,
Hands gathered in the stroll to the glorious bed,
Her passions emerge upon sight of her stead.

They wave and shimmer in the whispering breeze,
She nurtures the colors and fragrance of tease.
Gathering their seeds as the blooms slowly fade.
She dreams of spring when rebirth is gently made.

One hundred one seasons had drifted away,
She rests now beyond time in the eternal sway.
The flowers she loved do not cling to the grave,
I wondered about and found not where she lay,

Lost to the earth but not to the heart,
I hear her sweet whispers a love that never parts.

Kuan Gung *

Magdalena was my Great Grandmother that at age 3,began to teach me how to read by memorizing each word.
She loved her flowers and garden.
I spent countless hours with her when I was very young upon her lap reading and listening to her stories.
She was a compassionate and strong woman whom I loved dearly as a child.
At age 101 she passed away. I was 11 years old.
Many years later I went to find her only to learn, she was no where to be found.
Her grave was unmarked with no head stone.
She had 9 children and lost three.
The cemetery has her listed, but as to where she lays, we'll never know.


posted on May 11, 2008 1:29 AM ()


Strider, I had wandered into the Path once before. I mentioned it to you and you didn't give me a clue, except that it was a much more peaceful world. I have had the time to get to know the Path. It shows layers upon layers of your inner soul. You have a beautiful heart, soul, mind, existence. I see that you wrote about your grandmother when you first started your journey on the Path... It is a warm, remarkable memory of a loving caring soul who imparted her qualities onto you. Thank you for sharing all of the gentle, soft, delicate, thoughtful, strong, yet fragile world of the inner you. You are indeed gifted... Your words are like gold leaf, finely pounded into perfection.
comment by sunlight on May 13, 2008 11:05 PM ()
I never underestimated you Strider. You're one of the people who brought me on board at the old hangout.
comment by thestephymore on May 13, 2008 1:31 AM ()
That was wonderful, great memories to treasure forever.
Not knowing where her body lay, seems ok in a way. She is
comment by anacoana on May 12, 2008 2:25 PM ()
touching, breath taking, magnificent. Thank You.
comment by thestephymore on May 12, 2008 3:14 AM ()
i just loved this poem so beautiful. What a wonderful memory of your Grandmother. Thanks for sharing.
comment by carrryon on May 11, 2008 9:41 AM ()
This is positively heartwarming. Thanks for sharing a dear memory.
comment by looserobes on May 11, 2008 8:27 AM ()
So very beautiful. What a wonderful tribute.
comment by angiedw on May 11, 2008 4:04 AM ()

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