Part one is online as will Part 2 once it's shown:
posted on Mar 26, 2008 4:18 PM ()
I watched this before. I love Frontline.
I am forever baffled at such greed even more so baffled at how little respect for live they have.
Watched all four hours of it... Fascinating study of power, corruption, and evil manipulation by so many. I wonder how much more there is that we still don't know? Those most intimately involved have certainly ruined the world as we know it. All for what??
How convenient...there's a link right on top for the entire series
I watched the night before last on PBS. It was some pretty scary stuff. Donald Rumsfeld Scares the crap out of me. There was one picture of him staring at Condaliza and I am telling you I seen horns!
I saw part of this last night on PBS (fell asleep, dammit) and what I saw was fascinating but about what I had figured from these creeps currently in power.
reguards yer this is what happens when you are govered by a Bush and a Dick pal bugg
I am forever baffled at such greed even more so baffled at how little respect for live they have.