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News & Issues > American Economics? the Yellow Brick Road

American Economics? the Yellow Brick Road

So a lot of people think we'll be paying $4.00 a gallon for gas this spring. At a press conference today, when George Bush was asked this question he in essence said it was the first he heard of this? He acknowledge a slow down but said the country would not fall in a recession? Right now the price of oil is hovering around the 100 dollar a barrel. And the problem remains that we have no energy policy in this country. I think this is the most serious problem facing our economy simply because the price of oil impacts so many aspects of our economy. And seeing we continue to depend on supplies coming from unstable markets, we put ourselves at further risk. If we hit that four dollar a gallon mark, it's going to thrust a sense of more urgency into really tackling this problem.

The housing market for new construction is in the pits and existing home prices continue to decline. The credit crunch has yet to reach it's peak, and now we're seeing inflation rising to level we haven't seen in many years? Health Care costs continue to rise up 87 percent since 2002? Jobs continue to fly out of this country at a record pace?

So what's the answer? you provide a stimulus package of 150 billion dollars? We'll you add that to 200 billion dollars for Iraq along with the actual 800 billion dollars hidden in the proposed 2009 budget that includes the yearly raid on the Social Security Fund and you're talking fiscal madness? We won't even adjust deficit spending for the lost tax revenue as a result of this looming recession. So in the end the real deficit for the proposed 2009 budget is probably closer to 1.4 trillion dollars?

I don't know, I've tried to connect the dots of all of this but it ends up nowhere. Add our 9 trillion dollar (3.6 trillion in 2002) debt to this and it gets even crazier?

In the end there is zero, zilch nothing out there to address these growing off the chart problems. Something tells me that 2008 is going to be one hell of a ride.

posted on Feb 28, 2008 9:39 PM ()


Yes, De Nile is a river in Egypt!
comment by whereabouts on Mar 17, 2008 7:41 PM ()
Ron Paul's approach to economics will address all of this and will also begin to correct things if it is put in motion.
comment by whereabouts on Feb 29, 2008 5:37 PM ()
Okay, so can we please all move....somewhere else! I'm thinking Emerald City???????? I'm so depressed STrider.
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 29, 2008 8:18 AM ()

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