It’s time for President Hamid Karzai to go in Afghanistan or America is doomed to failure. Once again we see a government with no regards for the general welfare of its own people but now only exist for the enrichment of those who run it. It seems like now after a number of investigations that the people at the highest level of his government including Karzai’s brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai are involved in the world’s largest opium trade in their country. All of the corruption occurring there is contributing to the collapse of his government while the Taliban are on the very outskirts of Karbul. George Bush, the CIA and the pentagon have ignored the continued growing problem of the opium trade simply because, if the growers were on the government’s side, there was no reason to pay much attention to it. “This government has lost the capacity to govern because of a shadow government has taken overâ€, said Asraf Ghani a former Afghan finance minister. He said he quit the post because the state had been taken over by drug traffickers. Hillary Mann Leverett, a former US National Security Council official for Afghanistan, has said that the US knew that government ministers in Afghanistan, including the minister of defense in 2002, were involved in drug trafficking. "Afghanistan is providing close to 95 percent of the world's heroin,'' Tom Schweich, has said, "That makes it almost a sole-source supplier'' and presents a situation "unique in world history.''

Everything is for sale in this country and has its price for justice paid for by bribes to just about all public officials. People pay bribes for things, such as: to get electricity for their homes, to get out of jail and even to enter the airport. "Every man in the government is his own king," said Abdul Ghafar, a truck driver. Ghafar said he routinely paid bribes to the police who threatened to hinder his passage through Kabul, sometimes several in a single day.

Karzai is playing us like a fiddle: the U.S. is spending billions of dollars on infrastructure improvements with no results; the U.S. and its allies continue to fight the Taliban; Karzai’s friends continue to get rich off the drug trade; while he can blame the West for his problems; and in 2009 he will be elected to a new term. A while back Hamid Karzai revealed he had asked our supposed old friends Saudi Arabia to broker peace talks with the Taliban. It was quickly rejected. It seems like Obama will inherit a nightmare of problems in this forsaken country thanks to the current administration’s inept and corrupt foreign policy. This country doesn’t need more troops, it needs a new government and how does one accomplish that. The primary reason for the resurgence of the Taliban is the continued deterioration and corruption of the Karsai government.
Karzai needs to go along with the poppy trade.