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My Silly Putty
My Silly Putty
I found an item with an infinite number of exciting uses I can play with while being cooped up with my wife during this coronavirus pandemic. ..Silly Putty. I bought three giant one pound colorful eggs that my Silly Putty comes in.
While my wife thinks it's foolish. (I think my lady doth protest too much). I think this is indispensable at this critical time .
Silly Putty is a viscoelaste liquid as well as having properties of an elastic solid of primarily polydimethysiloxane and thixatrol ST which is a castor oil derivative. My wife should be impressed seeing what she's calling a toy is really a triumph in science. If Silly Putty was good enough for the Apollo 8 astronauts, it's good enough for us. I told her to swallow some Silly Putty next time she has a need for a laxative.
I unpacked my red egg and already molded my Silly Putty into a bouncing ball. I can also stretch it and fold it and snap it and crack it. Oh.What fun. !!!
I copied some images onto the Silly Putty from my collection of Archie and Green Hornet comic books. Superman and Batman looks so funny when you stretch them. .
I also pressed my Silly Putty into some of the mail we got.....some bills and tax papers we were supposed to sign and mail back to our accountant. Unfortunately, the Silly Putty got stuck to some of the pages and I ended up tearing a lot of papers. When my wife saw what I did.......well, her reaction was unprintable so I'll let it go at that. I was sent ti my room where I'm coloring my TV with Winky Dink and my magic drawing screen.
posted on Apr 16, 2020 11:00 AM ()
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