Children often leave their parents speechless,
And my 8-year-old daughter was no exception.
Being 7 months pregnant with our fourth child,
I had come to rely her "mothering" her 6-year-old
and 20 month old brothers.
Feeling overtired on a Saturday afternoon, I
ask her to watch her brothers while I rested awhile.
I believed in discussing babies when questions were
asked, but she had never brought the subject up.
I thought it was time she knew that a new baby was
coming, so I told her it was the reason I was so tired.
She had her baby brother by the hand and was going
out the bedroom door when the impact of what I had
said hit her understanding.
She stopped in her tracks, turned around, put her hands on hips and scolded, "But mother, we haven't got this one
raised yet!"
----Lorene Sullivan