Mrs. Kitchen


Mrs. Kitchen
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Go Forth And Cook!

Food & Drink > Recipes > Appetizer Recipes

Appetizer Recipes

The flood has brought us together with neighbors and I joined our Canyon Association that has a potluck the first Wednesday of every month. The food is always good, and I'll never forget how one of those potlucks in November was my first real food since the flood because I was living in the motel at the time.

These appetizers might not be the thing to take, but maybe.

"Once this cheese crock is started you can blend in leftovers whenever you have them to create a mellow spread that lasts almost indefinitely. To keep it smooth and moist, pour in olive oil and brandy each time you add to the crock."

I'm not sure what 'lasts almost indefinitely' means - it either lasts forever or it doesn't. And what does the end of its useful like look like? If I'd had it going during the flood, I would have had to decide whether to throw it in the river with the rest of the stuff in the refrigerator, or put in the garage with my mincemeat that I've had working since the 1980s and hope the liquor in it would preserve it.

Bottomless Cheese Crock

4 cups (1 pound) shredded sharp Cheddar cheese, softened
1 small (3 oz) package cream cheese, softened
1 - 2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp garlic salt
2 tbsp brandy

Beat together until well-blended. Pack into a container, cover, and refrigerate for a week before serving. Makes about 3 cups.

To add to the crock: use firm cheeses, such as Swiss, Jack, and Cheddar. Shred and beat in, adding small amounts of olive oil or cream cheese for good consistency. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons brandy, sherry, port, beer, or kirsch for each cup of cheese added.

Cover and refrigerate for several days before serving. Use every week or two, reserving some of the original mixture to keep the crock the crock going.


Dilled Shrimp Spread

1 envelope (1 tbsp) unflavored gelatin
3 tbsp cold water
1 can cream of mushroom soup
6 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/2 cup diced celery
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions, including tops
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 - 1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
1/4 tsp dill weed
1/2 pound small cooked shrimp

Place the gelatin in a small bowl, stir in the water. Let stand about 5 minutes until softened.

In a 2 quart pan over medium heat, combine soup and gelatin mixture; cook, stirring, until gelatin is dissolved. Add cream cheese, stirring until melted; let cool.

Stir in mayonnaise, sour cream, parsley, celery, onions, lemon juice, Tabasco, dill, and shrimp. Cover and refrigerate until firm, about 4 hours. (Use an oiled fancy mold if you want, one of those shaped like a fish.) To serve, unmold onto a serving platter and surround with crackers. Makes 8 to 10 servings.

These recipes are from Sunset Magazine.

posted on Mar 17, 2014 1:29 PM ()


That cheese crock sounds yummy. I am going to have to make it.
comment by elderjane on Mar 17, 2014 4:54 PM ()
I remember my mom buying cheese crocks back in the 1960s. Too bad we didn't save a couple to pack this homemade recipe into.
reply by kitchentales on May 9, 2014 6:21 PM ()

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