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Fun With Fugzy

Politics & Legal > Tensions Are High, I Repeat Tensions Are High

Tensions Are High, I Repeat Tensions Are High

Life keeps me away from mybloggers for a short time, and WOW, things sure do change. People that I use to think of one way, I now see in a totally different light. Apparently politics is a nice hot topic as of late. Not a subject that I usually get into much. I'm not one who watches CNN or is up to date on the day to day things that happen in our world. My world pretty much revolves around working, and taking care of the babies.
On occasion I have some time for reading a blog here and there. Now for the record, I am a Democrat, never liked Bush, but wasn't one to throw too much out there in the way of my distaste. A joke here and there about dodging shoes and such. Now there are people on here that said "we should support the president no matter what" "Thats the Patriotic thing to do". Considering that we are talking about the WORST president in our history (not just my opinion, Ive read several surveys to the fact) that wasnt my first line of thinking, but I thought, hey, thats cool. A good way to look at a bad situation. As the old saying goes "If you cant beat em, join em"

Now the reason I bring this up is because the same person who said we should "support the president no matter what", that its the "Patriotic thing to do" is now bad mouthing our new president. What happened to the patriotism?
When your left with a barn full of menure to shovel, its going to take some time to clean that out. And even once its cleaned out, its going to take a very very long time for the stench to go away. Obama walked into a very full Barn! Are things going to get worse before they get better? Yes, I think they are. You cant expect miracles after 8 years of this spiral. Even the best pilot is going to have a hard time pulling this out. Give the guy a chance, its only been a month. I guess what I'm trying to say is......If you say something, Mean it....A belief isnt republican or democrat. A Patriot isnt republican or democrat. It does actually cover ALL of us, If we choose to be one.


posted on Feb 17, 2009 9:00 PM ()

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