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Life & Events > God Now Approves of Ssm ... Apparently

God Now Approves of Ssm ... Apparently

I came upon this Blog by Dr. Massimo Pigliucci; a professor of philosophy at Stony Brook University, NY.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
God tells Midwest to approve gay marriage
It seems to me that the “logical” consequence of a certain kind of “reasoning” common within fundamentalist religious circles would have to be that this past week’s floods in the American Midwest carry one clear message from the Almighty: the locals better shape up and approve gay marriage.
As soon as California allowed gays to marry, and even went as far as extending the right to people who are not state residents, a number of nuts from the religious right warned of dire consequences. According to the LA Times, “a smattering of protesters” at one ceremony were carrying signs like “Homo Sex Is Sin!” and warnings have been flying around the internet that God will punish the entire state of California for this unspeakable crime against Him (as usual, this raises the obvious question of how moral God really is for meeting out collective punishment to begin with, but that’s another story).
Well, so far nothing has happened to California, but the Midwest has been hit by some of the worst flooding since records have been kept. And we all remember how many fundamentalist preachers interpreted Katrina has God’s punishment against the Big Easy. So, logic demands that those same preachers put two and two together and accept that God has apparently changed His mind about gay marriage. Here is the reasoning:
1: If God doesn’t like something, then God sends natural disaster against the community that has done it.
2: California has approved of same-sex marriage, and no disaster has ensued.
Conclusion: Therefore, God approves of same-sex marriage.
Why do fundamentalists think God is concerned with their petty affairs? Atheists are usually accused of arrogance for rejecting God, but Rocky Twyman, from Washington DC referring to the ongoing problem of high gas prices was reported in the Chicago Tribune as saying: “Our pockets are empty, but we're going to hold on to God!” Mr. Twyman started a group called Pray at the Pump, which is bent on continuing to pray for lower gasoline prices “until God tells us to stop.” (How exactly such command would be issued is not specified in the interview.) Twyman’s group, in its astoundingly narrow minded view of the world, managed to insult the civil liberties movement by modifying one of their historical phrases: “We Shall Overcome, We'll have lower gas prices.”
As usual, nothing fails like prayer. When the movement started, gas prices were at an average of $3.53 per gallon. At the time Mr. Twyman was interviewed the price had gone up to $3.97. This has not deterred Mirrine Thorne of Northwest Washington, who according to the same article said “Nobody else is doing anything, God is going to do something.”
The point is that even if there is a God (and that makes just about as much sense as saying “if there is a Santa Clause...”), it is unbelievably self-centered and arrogant of some people to think that the Creator of the Universe (which is a big, big place to take care of) has nothing better to do than worry about gas prices or gay marriages. But I guess that’s the point of believing in God to begin with: if there is no Big Guy in the sky looking out for us, then we are really responsible for our own actions, and that’s one of the scariest thoughts that ever crossed the human mind.

posted on June 23, 2008 3:22 PM ()


People have been proclaiming the end times since the fifth century, when a prophet, lived on a platform on a very tall pole and proclaimed the end of the world until he died. Poor Simon! That was his end time. The Catholic church teaches about particular judgment, where everybody is judged at the moment of his/her death, and in some denomination one is taught of the grand judgment, where the goats and sheep are divided in one final judgment. I learned my theology from school. reading,experience, and also from "Godspell".

Throughout the centuries, non-believers have been entertained by faith fuelled predictions of the end times. Throughout history, every natural or even un-natural disaster has been the big sign of the end. From earthquakes and floods to 9/11 and the eco-disaster we have made of the planet the last hundred and fifty years, LL ae interpreted as "Signs."

Jesus himself is supposed to have fired up this paranoia by (oh, gosh, was that Jesus or Paul, whose words seem to carry equal weight...) saying "Watch ye, for ye know not when the master cometh."

Mayhap I'd best finish this rant at my own blog. I'm afraid there is more: The Stephy More.
comment by thestephymore on July 26, 2008 1:22 AM ()
comment by lunarhunk on June 24, 2008 8:01 AM ()
I am so glad that there arent natural disasters here.... Hope that says enough.
comment by itsjustme on June 24, 2008 1:48 AM ()
Good post!
comment by nittineedles on June 23, 2008 3:49 PM ()
comment by greatmartin on June 23, 2008 3:31 PM ()

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