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Home & Garden > Boundary Disputes

Boundary Disputes

<a href="" title="Share this image!"><img src="" border="0" width="375" height="500"></a><a href="" title="Share this image!"><img src="" border="0" width="375" height="500"></a>When we bought this place there was no boundary – grass had overgrown it and the neighbour’s cows wandered everywhere. To his chagrin I resurrected it and calmed his ire by promising to keep it clear. Over the last twelve years I've removed four large trees that have fallen onto it into our place, mowed, cut, repaired, replaced posts and been a good neighbour.

Last month I went down and he’d sprayed with herbicide. Around every tree and heap of branches, around his pond, around his drive, house, pool......... the whole place was a network of dead grass, including our boundary. I hate poisons. I love frogs and lizards and insects etc... and they hate herbicides, so I went over and sweetly asked if he’d mind not spraying the boundary.

He spat venom. How dare I tell him what to do. I mentioned that I'd kept the boundary clear for 12 years. He sneered that he hadn’t noticed; stomped off and slammed his door. He’s a school teacher of about 50. Poor kids!

I guess I'll have to hone my people skills; I seem to be getting up people’s noses. Had a right telling off after I posted a serious comment on someone’s blog the other day. These two photos show his side and mine.

posted on June 26, 2008 4:35 AM ()


Precisely why I live isolated in the country. Perhaps your neighbor will inhale some pesticides.
comment by solitaire on June 28, 2008 7:00 AM ()
OK Peter I understand now and.... sorry for the "mad about" thing. My english is crap I know.
comment by itsjustme on June 27, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Being a teacher about 50 here I can agree: poor kids! lol
comment by itsjustme on June 27, 2008 1:03 AM ()
" Had a right telling off after I posted a serious comment on someone’s blog the other day." You make me curious. How do you get people madabout you, mate?
comment by itsjustme on June 27, 2008 1:02 AM ()
Because we are exceptional!!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 26, 2008 3:57 PM ()
I'm assuming AJ got it wrong-the guy is 50, he doesn't ahve a class of 50, right?
I've really enjoyed the pictures yopu have sent me the the last two years of your place--his attitude sucks--he si the one who needs people skills!
comment by greatmartin on June 26, 2008 12:41 PM ()
Wow! I can't imagine having a class of 50 kids! That must be horrendous! I am not sure why people have to snap like that rather than talking out an issue.
comment by lunarhunk on June 26, 2008 9:12 AM ()
Well, unless you can decipher HTML in your head... the pics will have to go somewhere else. Why can i never get anything right first time?
comment by clovis on June 26, 2008 4:42 AM ()

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