USING ONLY ONE WORD?? Not as easy as you might think! change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It's really hard to only use one word answers. Be sure to send back to the person you received it from! (Remember - use only one word answers...
       Where is your cell phone? here Your significant other?  workYour hair? Graying Your mother? Heaven
   Your father? Home Your favorite thing? PET! Your dream last night? PET Your favorite drink? Gatorade. Your dream/goal? Happy
    Your hobby? Family Your fear?Mistakes
   Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
    Where were you last night? Home Something that you aren't? Slim Where you grew up? Tacoma
   Your life? Good Your mood? Content Missing someone? Sister
   When is the last time you laughed? Today Last time you cried? Dunno Who will resend this? Family
   Where do you go to over and over? Walgreens. Five people who email me regularly? Ted, Pattie JoAnn, Rebecca,Tim. My favorite place to eat? Applebee's Favorite place I'd like to be at right now? Beach. Four people I think will respond? Tim, Rebecca, JoAnn, Patti,. Here's what you are supposed to do.... and please don't spoil the fun... ' delete my answers, type in yours.