well i made it threw another month. seen both of my doctors and everything is going great. the twin are growing. and my stomach shows it. i had another ultrasound and he looked again to see if baby A is a boy or girl. and of course he/she was face down again. but he is still pretty sure both are boys. he said he would try to see again next time. i gained another 10 pounds but he said this time that most of that is in my feet and legs. they are holding so much water and they hurt so bad at night i just want to cry. but he said theres not much he can do just keep them elevaded. if he were to give me a water pill it could dry up the water around the babies to. seems all i do lately is eat drink and yes pee pee pee. lol i am still working but i am not sure how much longer.
at work our head housekeeper quit and i got offered the position. i haven't officially taken it yet. but more than likely i will. they told me i would work monday threw friday and have my weekends off and are trying to get me a raise. so i am kinda holding off to see how that goes. but more than likely i will take it.
it is going to be a crazy busy summer. my oldest son graduates, the twins are coming, and lloyd and i are getting married in august. so i have been very busy lately trying to plan for all of these things that are coming way to fast. everybody tells me to slow down. slow down i don't have time for that.
well i better close my babbling for now