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Living Day By Day

Life & Events > Chase Boys, Work, and Sleep

Chase Boys, Work, and Sleep

i thought i would sit down and write a few lines before my little monster woke up. if i don't do it now i won't be able to. with 2 of them scutting and crawling around i don't get to sit to much. one of them is always into something. i am not one of these moms that baby proofs my house. they have to learn what they can have. and what they can't. i don't think this is a bad thing this way they learn when we go visiting they can't have anything that is in sight. they are growing like weeds and will be 9 months in just a couple days. collin is crawling all over and cayden is scutting and rolling.

my job at the gas station is going great. i have been there going on 4 weeks now and i love it. it is good to be done with the motels and cleaning. i don't think i have told you about being done at the motel. the day i started at the station is the last day i worked for the motel. they called me for 9 days straight and told me they did not need me to come in. there were not enough rooms. so on the tenth day i got kinda smart with them. when she called and said i didn't have to work i said oh what a shocker and hung up. well that was the last day i heard from them. i'm still not sure what the deal was. i am not the only one that worked there that had picked up a second job for extra income. but owe well i like this job and i am already gettihng overtime. last week i worked 33 hours and this week i will end with 42 hours. heck of a lot better then the 16 is was getting at the motel in 2 weeks.

lloyd is back to work full time now. hopefully it stays this way now. matt is working at the grocery store and likes that. him and mike are doing great in school both got there report card and both doing good. kara is watching the twins while lloyd and i work and has a new boyfriend. she seems to be on a little happier note these days. my oldest son stopped in the station to see me for a bit on sunday. that was nice i haven't seen him for about a month or so.

our weather has been crazy. on sunday it was in the upper 40's beautiful day out. monday we had drizzle and it got really icy and tuesday our high was 9 and snowy and windy. today i think our high is supposed to be about 10. then a warming trend for the rest of the week. and that is the weather from south dakota. lol

better close for now and get something done around here. i have to be to work by 3 today and work till 11. i will try to catch up on some of your blogs soon.


posted on Mar 11, 2009 8:39 AM ()

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