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Time To Spread The Wings

Life & Events > World of Blue

World of Blue

Hey guys

Haven't written in quite awhile, been extremely busy with work and trying to at least get some sleep. My job had been going pretty crappy so I went and applied for a million more. I got a job interview on Thursday, and got the job. I took a pay cut, not much of one, but still is going to hurt the pocketbook a little bit.
I moved back to my hometown to be closer to my family and to save some money on rent and everything. Rent in Sioux falls was triple what it is where I'm living now. I'm still living with Will. He's my light and day, and I love him. We have a good time together if we go out, and have been dating for close to I would say 8 months now. I try and spend as much time as possible with my mom and brother. Took him to kindergarten on his first day with my mom and about lost it, but held it in to be strong for my mom. I think he loves it though, I ask him everyday about how his school goes and what he learns. Sometimes he shows me and sometimes he doesn't.
Everything is going great here, nothing to complain about. Need to get some extra sleep, even though I've been out of work now for close to two weeks now, but still don't feel like I've been sleeping enough. Time to just lay in bed and just sleep and sleep.
A little about Will and I. We met at our job in training well on our first day, we were in training together. We hit it off from there. When I went through all the stuff I went through he was by my side the whole way through. We can fight a lot, I'm not going to lie about that one, but hes everything to me. Just because I'm me I do give him a lot of crap though, its a lot of fun, he doesn't like it but he knows how to give it back. Everyone says we act like an old married couple. He is a Bengals fan and I'm a packers so when football comes on, thats one thing we always can fight about.
Anyways though, I will start writing more on a regular basis, I have to leave for now. Have a good day.

posted on Sept 14, 2008 1:26 PM ()


Sleep....what is that? You need to come and see your cousins!
comment by wildflower on Sept 14, 2008 4:24 PM ()

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