

Sioux Falls, SD
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Time To Spread The Wings

Life & Events > Under-estimated


Will and I moved out to Rapid City back in September to live with my aunt, so we can pretty much get back on our feet. Before him and I left to come out, we had like 7 days to really make our mind up to talk about it and make sure this was something we wanted to do. Thinking we were making the right decision, we left to come out. The promise was, 300 a month for rent for Will, and I didnt have to pay rent since I would be enrolling in school. That was my rent.
A couple months went by, and everything was going great, well kinda. We both had gotten jobs, I was looking into school. I finally got accepted into school and was going to start on January 4th, and I did.Stuff started to get hard. Payments on stuff was beginning to be late, on everything. My aunt understood for awhile, but then started leaving notes about how she was going to lock our bathroom door, and baracade us out of the living/family room. Finally, today she pretty much told us we had to leave, or Will did. Because she didn't like him, and didn't want him there in the first place. And started talking royal crap about him. He didn't want to say anything just to make sure that we still had a place to go home to after work tonight. I contacted a friend of mine, and we will be moving back to Sioux Falls in about 30 days. I put my 3 weeks notice in at work, and getting ready to pack to get moved back. I under-estimated myself and what I was doing. I feel bad for Will, he shouldnt be called a peice of crap, and lazy, and just completely dumb. Nobody will ever talk to the guy I'm going to marry like that. Or my husband, or family. He means the world to me, and I will protect him. So as of right now, its 30 days and counting.

posted on Jan 23, 2009 9:06 PM ()

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