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Time To Spread The Wings

Life & Events > Let Me Be Myself.

Let Me Be Myself.

As the days dwindle down in time, I find myself more angry with the days, more upset, and not wanting anyone to be with me, touch me or talk to me. I'm even more frustrated with life, and just want everything to stop. I can't talk to anyone, because nobody wants to listen, so I keep everything bottled inside of me. And when someone wants to listen, and I just don't what them to have any smart comments back, they don't. So I have nobody to talk to anymore. Theres a lot of drama in my life as of now. I hate drama. My roommates decided to get another roomate, and this one just got out of a bad relationship. As I'm the type of person to help people, and want to help them. This one just felt like it was a bad one to get involved in. So I just said whatever. She doesn't have a job, can't help pay for anything. Her boyfriend hit her, and did severe drugs. Now is going to hurt us if we don't tell him where his girlfriend is. My life feels threatened by this guy and we can't do anything about it. My other roommate is the same way. Doesn't have anyway to pay for anything. Her boyfriend pays for everything for her which I find is fine. But why when she isn't working, can't she help clean, or pick up HER messes? She doesn't do that. She relys on everyone else in the house to do it. She relys on everyone in make sure there is internet and cable. She says that we steal money from her, and so we tell her we didn't and they just keep pushing us until we give them money. It's a once a week thing. I just can't do it anymore. Everyone is telling me that Will and I need to get our own place. But what everyone doesn't understand, we have no credit. We have nothing that will let us get anything. Actually its not any credit, its bad bad credit. I'm tired, tired of fighting with my fiance everyday about this stuff, tired of feeling like I never wanna come home anymore. Tired of nobody wanting to take the time and listen to what I have to say. I'm not the type of person to tattle on someone, I like to talk, vent let it out and not have someone tell me to tattle. I'm not that type of person. For once in my life I want people to let me be me and understand who I am, and what I'm here to do. Nobody understands me. I feel like I'm alone, and nobody cares anymore. This is just dumb. Anyways I'm done venting, this didn't even help. I don't know what to do.

posted on Mar 15, 2009 4:35 PM ()

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