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Time To Spread The Wings

Life & Events > Sugery


The past 3 weeks, I have been in some really bad pain, going through my right side, right under my rib cage. The first attack I had was at work, and I passed out because it hurt so bad. My friend took me to the ER, and they said that it was just an anxiety attack, and sent me home.
I was taken back the next day because the pain didn't go away and it hurt just as bad if not worse. They did more tests, and said I think it might be your gall bladder, but we want to double check and make sure that's what it is.
They sent me to a specialist to have it checked and that took almost 3 hours to do.
I had to wait 48 hours to find out any results, and they never called me. Last night, I was taken back to the ER because I was once again, in a lot of pain. After being there for 3 hours, the doctor came in and said we need to have you talk to the surgeon and set you up for surgery. It is your gall bladder, and it needs to be taken out.
They will do a colonoskipi through my butt and then a something through my mouth, where they put a camera down my throat and check my stomach for other things.
Surgery will be tomorrow morning at 9:30 and I have to be checked in at 7:30. I'm scared because I have never had surgery before, and its scary. I'll update you all more later on.

posted on Apr 16, 2008 9:41 AM ()


I had mine out years ago when it was considered major surgery and you were kept in hospital for a week. It was a nice vacation from DH and the kids. Wisdom tooth surgery is another matter. I felt like I'd been hit by a truck (in the face) after that. I can't handle mouth pain.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 16, 2008 2:11 PM ()
I had mine out and it was no big deal. I even went to school the next day. Just have to watch what you eat when it's gone. If you eat mybloggers food, make sure a bathroom is close by.

Good luck
comment by meranda on Apr 16, 2008 10:01 AM ()

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