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Life & Events > Storms and Work

Storms and Work

So anyways (nice way to start a sentece huh? lol!), we had a tornado warning this evening. Tons of rain, lightning and the like. At work, I said to the other manager "now watch we will have a black out or something". I guess I was right. About 5 minutes later, all the power went out in the store for about 30 seconds. We actually cheered. Then I said "wait, wasn't there someone in the bathroom?" Sure as shit, one of the drivers (who is in his 60's) was in there. lol! When I was coming home, it wasn't that bad at all.
However later, the storm picks up again and I decide to turn off the computer just in case. My son wanted to sleep with me for a bit...or at least lay down with him for a bit because he was a bit scared. So I did. I pulled his window shade down as well. I said that if he feels scared againh, just let me or "C" know. He fell asleep, so we didn't have to do that.
Anyways, I have to work this weekend both Saturday and Sunday 12pm-8pm, so I am not sure when I will be writing anything. Other than that, I have 5 days off of work next week and one day because I requested it to go with my sister to the comic convention thing. I really want to go. I just hope that "C" will have the break lines fixed by then...anyways, I need to get to bed. Night peepes!

posted on Apr 25, 2008 9:58 PM ()


We had weather pass thru about 3a.m. but I didn't hear it, I was dead to the world...Hubby said it lasted about 30 min. We've had our share here of tornado's...they are scary.
comment by elfie33 on Apr 26, 2008 8:59 AM ()
I love storms like that, weird I know. And I have been in one tornado once, It is scary, but still, I got the storm chaser mentality to me. Hope work is ok the next couple days..
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 26, 2008 6:10 AM ()
Wow - I would find those warning absolutely terrifying! I have never seen a tornado and never would! I am glad you are safe! Weather conditions are not a joking matter- weather extremes have been happening more often now!
comment by mytwoloves on Apr 26, 2008 3:44 AM ()

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