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Entertainment > Humor > True Meaning of Christmas

True Meaning of Christmas

With another Christmas coming upon us shorty, we often forget the true meaning of the holidays. No, I am not talking about the religious aspect or anything like that. But, literally the "meaning" of some of our most popular Christmas traditions. We sing songs every year, and does anyone know what the heck some of this stuff means or even its origin? I have made a list of some things that I personally have no idea about...or who partakes in some of this stuff.

1. Has any one here ever roasted a chestnut on any kind of fire? Then what, are you suppose to eat them or do they just smell nice?
2. Fruitcakes, who buys them, who eats them?
3. I know no one that has ever seriously asked for two front teeth as a gift.
4. What is a boughs of holly, and how do I deck something with them?
5. What is a gay Yule-tide or a yore?
6. Then there is the persistent holly, mistletoe, and poinsettia plants. Where do these plants go for the rest of the year?
7. Who is Miss Fanny Bright?
8. pa rum pum pum pum. Hmm?

And one of the strangest Christmas lists I have ever heard of gives someones true love a bunch of annoying stuff that I would never want. Well, most of the stuff I wouldn't want...a couple of things on the list would make a very memorable Christmas. hint hint!

Please, never give me a partridge in any kind of tree, I don't want doves, French (of all things) hens, or calling birds. OK, six geese a laying could be entertaining to watch for a while, but I still don't want any. Now there are how many swans? Sheesh, picture the crap from all these silly birds! This is where the list gets sort of hot though. Eight milking maids (hopefully its four sets of twins). Hmm, nine dancing ladies...very intriguing. I am very disappointed though at the twenty-three dudes that are attempting to horde in on the poor defenseless ladies. Shame on them!

Now, who exactly gave these gifts to whom? I am not sure of the message that would be sent if I gave forty other men and woman as a gift to a girlfriend. Pretty gutsy move though. I am kinda thinking that even the suggestion of one other person in the relationship not go over well. BTW, I know I did not mention the five rings...blah, blah, blah. C'mon, its just jewelry.

Merry Christmas Everyone! ;)

posted on Dec 7, 2007 8:33 AM ()

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