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Neon Is Back!

Life & Events > Boring > How Bored Am I!

How Bored Am I!

Got back from Cleveland yesterday. Overall, it was a good trip. I had the most social interaction that I have had in probably a year. I drove my girls to and from school every day, went into the office and ate lunch and dinner with other humans. I even went out to some bars on Thursdays night and talked to the female kind for a change. Even with that, I do believe that the social gods want me to be alone for a while. I was suppose to go to a school volleyball game with my girls on Friday night. We would have had fun, and It would have been very social, as I would have known a lot of people there. No such luck...on the way to the game, I got a flat tire. Of course everything that could go wrong, did! After two very chilly hours, the flat was fixed...we went home.

Funny side note...approximately every 5 minutes, my daughters kept telling my that I should call someone who knew what they were doing. C'mon, this is just a routine flat tire..I can certainly do this. Approx. an hour and a half later my oldest called an old neighbor of ours..he came over and got us going in about 15 minutes. In my defense, he brought over this heavy duty floor jack that easily lifted the vehicle. What I was using was cheap-ass jack that came with the car...the SUV kept falling off!

OK...so, today is my first full day back here in Vegas. Wow, I was bored! How pathetic was I trying to fill my day with worthiness time wasting. Lets see...here is how my day went:

Got up at 6:30...
Had my Wheaties and coffee at my desk...
Checked to see if anyone was online...
After 15 minutes of going through my email and such, I was done. Hmm, now what? House is perfectly clean, outside landscaping groomed...
I threw a load of clothes in the washer...
Checked to see if anyone was online...
Played guitar until clothes could be thrown in dryer.
Emptied the dishwasher, and loaded the three dirty dishes back in...
Made my bed...
Checked to see if anyone was online...
Walked around the house listening to my iPod until clothes were dry...
Folded and put away clean clothes. How bad is this...I purposely took a few pieces of clothing upstairs at a time, just so it would take more trips. That probably added a minute to my day.
Checked to see if anyone was online...
Went for an hour long walk with my iPod.
While on the walk, I was observing the bees on the beautiful foliage. I was actually kind of hoping that I got stung. This was all part of my plot to perhaps have an allergic reaction and have to go to the hospital. This would surly give me something to do for a few hours. No such luck...I am not allergic to anything, nor did I get stung!
Got back from walk, checked to see if anyone was online...
Sat, drank a glass of orange juice and stared at a lamp for 15 minutes.
Suddenly got out of my stare to find that a coaster was out of place...whew, glad I got that one fixed!
Checked to see if anyone was online...
Yay! I was able to stall until around noon! Now what?
Oh, I know...I'll go put gas in the car. Before I did that, I decided to find out how far I had gone on my brisk walk earlier. I retraced my journey in the car. Checking the odometer I figured I had walked 3.9 miles.
Filled car up!, went to the bank...
Went to Sports Chalet to buy the same shoes I was wearing....needed an extra pair.
Grabbed some Taco Bell for lunch.
Went to my ex.'s house to check on it. All was OK, although it is kind of sad to walk though a furnished house where everything from you past life is just sitting there. Wasted another 20 minutes..
Came home, checked to see if anyone was online...Damn! Do you people have a life outside of the internet?
3:00 PM...nice! Only 7 more hours until bed.

posted on Jan 15, 2008 3:46 PM ()

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