John McCain is basing a lot of his campaign these days on calling Obama "Dr. No" (assuming all his audience has seen old 007 movies), and complaining that Obama is against offshore drilling and nuclear power plants - at least, unlike the Present Resident, he can pronounce nuclear.
The thing is, Obama is not totally against offshore drilling even in new areas, he just wants it to be properly controlled so we do not have oily beaches (like in CA years ago) and we don't pay for the ocean view room to see oil rigs instead of horizon. A more important consideration is nuclear power. Fusion would be best because of less radioactive waste, but that is way down the road (we canceled our support for international fusion research,as I posted before). Fission (uranium based) produces no CO2 and has big potential (we already have a number of plants) but unless we are able to have a safe way to dispose of the already accumulating spent fuel rods, and have binding legislation on regulation controlling this, we are compounding an existing problem. As Congress goes, this would be a long hard fight even if a perfect solution were already available (I like reprocessing, like the French do, but the US currently has a law against it unless I am wrong). So before we say "drill" or "nuclear" there are a lot of problems to be solved. Personally I do not trust the " let them alone" (The French have a better word for it) Republicans to control anything properly. We had better get to work on other alternatives while we sort them all out. Nuclear, good or bad?, Yes! Wind and Solar? - Good!