Recent events got me thinking about previous State Governors, starting with flower child, ex-hippie, Brown of CA – after which the B-movie actor, Reagan, and the body builder, action hero, Arnold, are no surprise. Then there was the professional wrestler in Minnesota, and last - and probably least - the failed Texas oil company owner/ underachieving Texas ball club owner, Bush. Of these, we are currently suffering under the incompetent presidency of Bush. Some argue that Reagan was a good president – I beg to differ. I was involved with a company researching alternative energy processes with the National Labs when the Reagan administration canceled support of all these projects (He also sidetracked metrication as un-American, so we still use “British Thermal Unitsâ€) and returned to full reliance on Middle Eastern oil – a shortsighted blunder from which we are still suffering. This, plus tax cuts for the rich (mine went up) to put us in debt, confirm in my mind that he was not that great either, although he did give a good speech, having been a sports announcer, as well as an actor. Which brings me to the latest governor under consideration, the runner-up small town beauty queen, Idaho sports communication graduate, small town mayor / sports announcer, who moved in a period of less than two years from mayor of less than 10,000 to governor of Alaska to nomination for Vice President of the United States. What a country! Well, lots of luck on that one!