O.K. . . . . Now where do I start. . . .?
The other night ~ it was the night before I posted the article entitled ‘From the ‘other’ side’. . . it was of what had ‘occurred’, which drew my attention to the article . . ., let me (to the best of my ability) explain.
Bedrock (my husband) had gone up to bed. I stayed downstairs to watch a couple of documentaries. After they had finished (they were about ‘history/archaeology’ ~ nothing to do with ‘spooky stuff’~ just the normal things which I view quite regularly. I tidied up the living room, put the dogs out for a last pee, made sure the ‘older’ cat was in, ensured there were no cigarette butts burning anywhere, took the last ‘pills’ for the day and went to bed.
I went to sleep quite ‘normally’ ~ no ‘tossing or turning’ ~ y’know what I mean.
If, I have to turn over during the night, since my heart op. In 2001, I have to sort of ‘turn’ my knees around first (the rest of me ‘follows’ ~ !! lol) it’s to take the pressure off of my chest. Anyway, that night I began my ‘turn’.
My knees were just about to touch the mattress and I was bringing my ‘upper’ half around in co-ordination, my eyes flickered open. I glimpsed a ‘person ‘ standing next to me.
I say ‘I glimpsed’ a person, because as I saw him/her ~ ‘it’, I let out a scream and as I did so, the apparition ‘melted’ away ~ I also had the feeling, I had scared it too. The aroma of ‘pancakes’ had accompanied the apparition ~ it wasn’t until much later in the following day, that I ‘clicked’ as to what the smell, had reminded me of. (Chris, hadn’t smelt it, but, as he says, he can’t smell anything)!
Bedrock, immediately awoke to see what was wrong ~ obviously, he had thought it was ‘something else’ which caused me to scream. I assured him it wasn’t, but told him, what I have just told you.
I was sitting up in bed at this point. Chris, now content that I was ‘ok’, closed his eyes and went back off to sleep again ~ I was still trying to analyse the event.
I was not ‘frightened’ at this point. Sure, I had been when I first saw it, but now I was annoyed with myself for not just ‘accepting’ the event ~ for me, it may have been someone breaking in ~ hence my reaction.
I wondered if I had just been dreaming, but no, I recall hearing the birds outside beginning their dawn chorus as I had began to ‘turn over’.
I looked at my dressing gown hanging on my bedroom door ~ could it have been that, which I mistook for an apparition? ~ No, because the apparition had been next, to where my knees would have been, if I had completed my ‘manoeuvre’ ~ and that was in between me
and my dressing gown ~ I had viewed the apparition long enough to see ‘around’ it, if you understand.
It was a Charcoal Grey figure. I could not see any distinguishing features, other than I think, it had some kind of ‘hooded cloak ‘~ not so as to cover its head, just resting on the crown. Something else, had been worn underneath the cloak ~ I do believe, it had been fastened under the chin ~ I got it ~ the same type of cloak that ‘little red riding hood’ is portrayed as wearing!
When I say it was a charcoal gray figure, there had been some kind of ‘shading’ to accentuate it into being a ‘person’, not a ‘blob’.
The more & more I think about it, the more annoyed I become with myself for not attempting to try and speak to it.
Since then, when I have been on my own, I have tried to talk to it ~ sending my apologies for maybe, alarming it ~ that I hadn’t meant to do. I have asked it to come and visit again ~ although not, in the same fashion it had done before! Lol!
I will let you know, if, it does return.
For now though . . . I am off to make my old man some Spag. Bol. & chips (French fries).
I will, be back later and reply to the previous comments, promise!
t.t.f.n. xxx