I wonder, what Her Majesty The Queen, makes of all this?
I should imagine that she has seen the prime minister, by now. Hope she pays ‘hell’ with him!
Changing the subject a little , I was watching the Welsh news the other evening, when a story about a 109 year old lady came on.
This lady had just received another, birthday card from the Queen (from 100 years old, Her Majesty sends cards to her subjects). This lady, was a little dismayed as she had been sent a card, which still had the ‘same’ photo of The Queen as the other 8. So, a little disgruntled she wrote and complained to Buckingham Palace. She thought no more of it . . .
Well, a few days later, she received a knock at the door of her ‘Care Home’. Who was standing there bearing Royal Apologies, was Prince William!
He stayed for tea with her where they both chatted and the Prince extended an invite to a Royal Garden Party for next year! Obviously, she was delighted with the events!
He is going to make a Great King, one day!