Back in 1969 (could have been '68, but I am sure it was '69)my oldest nephew who was 5 years my Junior, wanted to see for himself the 'junkies' who hung about the statue of Eros in Picadilly . . . (!)so, I took him to have a look.
This band of folk were not like the the idiots of today, these were basically 'Flower People'. They were constantly in the news though - mostly because of the moans of 'City' workers in their pinstripe suits & bowler hats!
It was while we had gone on this trip 'up West', that I bought this 'single' (yeah, it has got to have been '69, cos' I only got my record player in '68 & it was a while, till I bought this record . . . ):
. . . "It's like yesterday . . . "!!!