

Neath, Y5
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Happy Lady

Life & Events > What a Day!

What a Day!

Chris (Bedrock) got up about 8:00am this morning and I got up about 9:15(am)! lol
He already had Wolfie (our Doberman x Alsation) in the shower, so i came downstairs and a had a coffeee while he was showering him, it was Chloe's (our Rottweiller) turn for a wash. They have been moulting, as I had said  before, so this helped a heck of a lot, to get rid of the excess fur (grooming, hasn't been helping that much).
Finally, Chris emerged from the bathroon - he was 'knackered'! Wolfie is getting older you see, and our staircase is varnished (it isn't slippery, but Wolfie is a bit nervous of coming down the stairs, so, Chris has to 'carry him' down). He is quite a large dog and ever since he was castrated a year ago, he has got a 'tummy' on him! So he's 'heavy'!
Chris told me that he had left the towels upstairs, to which I had told him not to worry and that I would bring them down later . . .
So, several cups of coffee later, I went up to bring them down for washing . . . blinking heck - i think he had gone through my entire 'towel' colection!!! lol
Anyway, got them into the machine (thank goodness for there invention)! Then it was the turn of the bathroom itself. I gave it a right good blitzing - hair everywhere lol!!!
I also have a 'downstairs' toilet, this, Chris is tiling on Monday (he's fishing on the boat tomorrow). So I have begun stripping off the wallpaper that is on the walls at present. I would have finished it, but my eldest son & his wife turned up for a cuppa (glad of it, cos I was getting a bit tired), they came in Pretty-in-Pinks new car - very good looking car, fair play! It is a convertable - I know it's a Vauxhall, but can't remember the model.
Well, they left and I got on with dinner. As I mentioned, Chris is fishing tomorrow, so we had our 'Sunday' dinner, this evening. Haven't long finished it to be honest.
I spoke to Lynnie, her throat is getting better, but I'm sure she said that she has ear-ache - I may be mistaken, as it was a bad line and my hearing is just as bad as my 'memory'!!! lol
I haven't replied to any comments yet - I will catch-up in the morning, I am so sleepy!
G'night and Gods Blessings to you all xxx

posted on May 23, 2009 2:30 PM ()

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