I've just been reading about a (possibly 'big') breakthrough in getting rid of 'cellulite' (not too sure, if, I have spelt it correctly). Anyhow, on sale here in the UK are 'celulite underwear'! I am putting a picture of a pair into the 'my photos'.
Now don't get too excited . . . they are not, the most flattering item of lingerie, but, if they do what it 'says on the box', perhaps it's worth trying them.
(You can always chuck on a pair of jeans for the day-time)!
They are on sale in JOHN LEWIS's in Swansea (at least, I 'think' that was the store - if I've made a mistake, I will add the correct name in the 'Comment' box)[roll eyes . . . 'my memory']!!!!!
p.s. I do not, have a clue, what the 'price' is - sorry!
T.T.F.N. xxx