I'm not moaning about it however. . .
just means that for the time being I am not
allowed in the kitchen! The reason for my
ban? Bedrock (Chris), is laying 'floor tiles'
out there. They are a 'continuation', of the
hall (and living room), but, we dry layed
them last evening and then tried something
else (just to try see the affect) and we
really liked what we saw!! We have
(subtley) mixed the two tile colours that we
used for two rooms and the result was a
'rustic' appearence! Looks great, so Bedrock
went down to the local 'tile' shop to buy a
couple of extra boxes this morning and is
now in the process of laying them!
Therefore, I am personna non gratia for
the time being, out there (and loving every
minute of it) lol!!!