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Albion, IN


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Ancient's Times

Life & Events > Sleepless in Indiana

Sleepless in Indiana

I’m up too early this morning. It was another restless Sunday night. Sleepless nights have been with me for a very long time now. Others have told me, ”I’ve heard that the elderly don’t require as much sleep as those younger than them.” Well, I won’t say what comes to mind when I hear that said. Yet, I can’t help but wonder how I can be so sleepy that I’m not able to keep my eyes open at eight PM and wake up at 9:20 PM wide awake and unable to return to sleep mode. If, this is all the sleep that’s required for my age, no wonder those patriarchs of the Bible that lived six, seven, eight hundred years and more were so revered… they never slept. Moreover, anyone that lives for several hundred years would accumulate such a vast amount of empirical knowledge alone to warrant respect for the wisdom they could share. Reality is, being awake twenty-four seven and not getting rest is not possible for any extended period of time, at any age, this I know,

However, living five hundred years and retaining a body with five senses able to enjoy all of God’s creation would be a Blessing beyond belief. This I know, too.

posted on June 16, 2008 3:53 AM ()


I agree with Jondude. If you can sneak it in, a nap can be MOST rewarding!
comment by jerms on June 20, 2008 10:17 PM ()
The hum of my window air conditioner isn't loud enough to drown out the lightning. So I managed to fall asleep, but only after the artillery stopped. Take a nap!
comment by jondude on June 16, 2008 5:34 AM ()
I was awake all night with you girls too
comment by firststarisee on June 16, 2008 5:12 AM ()
Yes it sure would be a blessing beyond belief. I hear you I was sleepless last night too.
comment by texastar on June 16, 2008 4:29 AM ()

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