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Life & Events > The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

... I ponder China. My good friend has a film he's producing there. There is a prospect of him creating a job for me, as he and I have a big brother/little sister relationship. He's so kind. How fast can I learn Mandarin?

Being in the mountains of China for 3 months. Truly, it sounds wonderful. Like a grand adventure and good way to move out of my rut in and into an interesting gig. But still, I want to be close to my man. (Men and women are different in this, I think. In my industry, men tend to leave town for months on end to work and not think twice about leaving their girlfriends/wives/families.)

Me? If anything, "I'm a female female." I want to be close to home. See my parents for Christmas. See my mom on her birthday. Be with my love on New Years.

It's great to have the prospect of an interesting job, and seriously, the heavy challenge of learning Mandarin in less than two months sounds like something I'd love to tackle.

I'm not sure where my head is at, it's cloudy and muddled in there today. I know where my heart is at. Age and living is an interesting thing. My heart matters more than my head.

I will wait to see how this prospect susses out. I'll worry about my heart and my head then.

posted on Sept 10, 2008 9:41 AM ()


The universe is providing you with an excellent adventure. Embrace it and know that three months is really a short time away from home. If it is meant to be, he will be there with waiting arms when you return home.
comment by kissy2008 on Sept 10, 2008 12:19 PM ()
I lived in China for a year. It was an experience beyond anything I could have even dreamed of. I learned more about myself than anything. First pack away all your western assumptions, beliefs and ego. None of what you are used to will be there and lots of what you are not expecting will be there. There were some lighter moments, like my work mates wanting to know why we built houses in the forest (that is stupid), and why people were allowed to have a whole house to themselves (that is greed) and why we did not stay in school (that is cultural suicide). All said and done, they were most fascinated with cars, did I have one? Did I have more than one? Could anyone own a car? Where did I go in my car? The symbol of mindless North American Consumerism is their greatest goal. Yes they would like to have an apartment someday, and a child, but golly they sure all want cars! Funny. I lived and worked in Zhouhai but managed to travel quite a bit with my fellow workers. They all wanted to take me home (Xian, Beijing, Shanghai) so I did get to see a lot of the country. And flew around it in airplanes held together with chicken wire, and sailed up rivers in boats that shouldn't have floated and travelled by train with a million others crammed in the car. It was exhilarating, frightening, amazing and exhausting. Nothing is easy in China. It has it's own time and you better not be in a hurry for anything. The more I remember, the more I say - GO! The man (or some other reasonably similar substitute) will always be there but you may never have this opportunity again.
comment by lizbeth on Sept 10, 2008 10:19 AM ()
Wow - an adventurer! I like to go places where I can speak English and be understood... you are braver than I!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 10, 2008 9:53 AM ()

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