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Vegas To Venus

Politics & Legal > Reverend Jackass

Reverend Jackass

Growing up in the Chicago area, I regularly saw Jesse Jackson on tv. My father spent many a night on the couch, filthy dirty from his construction job, Budweiser in one hand, waving his fist at the tv and yelling at Jesse. His reaction was mostly based in racism, and I didn't take his complaints as fact.
I forgot all about those days until Jesse's comments. In the meantime I had gone to college, grown up, and moved to Vegas, where I learned to accept others. One of the things I really miss about Vegas is the lack of judgment. But, that's for another post.
I always suspected that Jesse really wasn't on the up and up. There was just something about him, a feeling I got when I listened to him. It isn't because of his lack of speaking skills. It's something that comes out of his core.
That feeling that I've had over the years was confirmed with Jesse's comments about Obama, that he would like to "rip his nuts off." He even claimed, on CNN yesterday, that he and Obama are "friends." Call me a pollyanna, but I don't say things like that about my friends.
The thing that really gets me about this is that Jesse acts as if this is the first time he has made such a comment. However, I think his behavior reflects what must be a pattern of such comments. It's just that THIS time he got CAUGHT. I'm glad he was exposed for the bastard that he is.

posted on July 11, 2008 12:32 PM ()


Yup I was disappointed. One day in Chicago I was heading to my hotel and low and behold there was Jessie...I was like who, I really admire this man and he made eye contact walked toward me and shuck my hand. But since then with his comments about the jews and this recent have to wonder, just what kind of person he really is.
comment by strider333 on July 12, 2008 12:20 AM ()
I too truly dislike racists like Jesse "Jackass" people who promote, and cause to continue the hatred of one person towards another just for their own personal financial gain. Without prominent TV appearances decrying the racism that he is promoting, where would he be????
comment by oldfatguy on July 11, 2008 2:16 PM ()
It may be the first time on FOX that anybody revealed his true feelings.
comment by bumpedoff on July 11, 2008 12:49 PM ()

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