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Entertainment > Humor > The Wonderful Art of Bs

The Wonderful Art of Bs

What have we become? No more eye contact and heaven forbid, a greeting, such as how ya doin? What has become of the human race when we all think that we are experts on any given subject. This would be, why? Well, why is no longer an option as we are now all experts on any given subject,thanks to what? The internet? Nooo! I would not venture to doubt the authenticity of the authors on this vast information highway. But, wait! There is another outlet for all you frustrated pseudos. And that is the wonderful world of bull shitting. What else is there left, for the survival of the race, homosapien? Why, it is the old Japanaese cult of Shintobullism. The ancients used to sit a round the campfires, and sip their "tea" and profound on the wonderful aspects of their worldly surroundings. The fisherman, would say that he had just been to the best hole in the area and lo and behold, brougt up a good dozen of the finest snappers or cat that one could imagine.. Imagine is the key word here. The ball player, being whatever sport, would add that he, or she, had just seen the secone coming of the "BABE" and that would be he or she. The cooking enthusiast would saY that he invented the word "BAM" And you know what? Everyone, and I mean everyone, setting around the round table, would know that they were in the midst of a gaggle of bull shitters! And, all would get a good laugh and say to all, it was sure good seeing you and talking with you all. Lets do this again soon. So, from one bull shitter to another, lets do this again , and soon. That means the Cleveland resident, the all knowing, all sophistacated, all world,, the one and only Jondude!

posted on Apr 27, 2009 4:36 PM ()

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