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Politics & Legal > Republicans and Democrats: Closed for Business

Republicans and Democrats: Closed for Business

Sorry Folks We're Closed for Busines in this Country

Day by day, minute by minute new record trade deficits grow and they are ignored. America is suffering an economic down turn while both political parties sit around hoping it gets better and yet for some even hoping it gets worse so political advantages cold emerge so the other party may be able to gain some leverage to screw things up their way. Politics in America is the blame game of bickering and fighting to sustain the illusion of choice in this country. I’m not having it anymore. .I’m sick of the old decider approach and I’m not going to sit around and hope things get better. If we continue to export our assets, research and development and import finished goods, we won’t have any leverage. We won’t have any assets, collateral, credit, and buying power will cease to exist. Meanwhile neither political party is addressing a nation in decline. The stimulus money is a failure spending away precious assets and while the other party idea of cuttingtaxes and giving away tax payer money is just as disastrous. Let the pundits of the left and right continue their trivial pursuit game of blame to no solution while Rome burns.

I’d like to throw out a few ideas here.

Let’s appoint a new cabinet post to develop an industrial policy. Then get a commission to review why we’re getting our asses kicked with imports. This commission should contain a diverse group of individuals across the board such as Mitt Romney, Lee Iacocca, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos to name a few,

Then they need to create an environment to make domestic manufacturing competitive and profitable by looking at tax changes and seed money to assist in expanding markets. With credit still tight, we can’t afford to put our biggest creator of new jobs, small business into a credit straight jacket.

Create an industrial research and development arm that focuses on developing markets and strategic investment to expand or create new markets. Japan and China do it constantly.

Change the tax structure for select vital industries.

Get out of the WTO. Why do we allow undemocratic organizations put us at an unfair advantage? It’s time to protect our economy from foreign predatory trade practices. And what the heck amend or get out of NAFTA all it really does is incentivize our companies to move productive facilities out of our country. With our regulatory policies and wages, we can’t compete. Let’s see faster depreciation on capital equipment investment to lesson the need to also outsource domestic manufacturing.

We have to become competitive; otherwise we exist on imports and debt. America is losing a major economics war by relinquishing management and control of our economy to foreign companies.

Let’s face it; the average age in the Senate is 62. These characters are lifetime politicians who live off the bounty of special interests. Sure they’re all against deficits and spending but do you believe them when we approach 10 Trillion in debt? How about just 2 trillion this year? Take your pick; both parties have spent us into oblivion? We’ve reached a climax of the foolery of two. Throw 3 billion at a clunker program for a temporary “stimulus” to a select (why only this one) industry and what do we gain…nothing. We see an increase in used vehicle prices and the crushing of the clunkers so that steel can be sold to China? How many jobs does this create…none? The stimulus package hasn’t done much for us but protect some jobs but doesn’t address the real problem in this country. Conversely, the party out of power has no ideas at all in addressing job growth other then to try and protect industries that limit competition. The oldtax cut approach makes zero sense with U.S. tax revenues diving and local and state governments laying off workers. We need people who understand the core problem and the dire state of business in America. Either someone starts talking about the real economic problems in this country or we’ll all be working at McDonalds.

posted on Nov 30, 2009 5:06 PM ()

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