The time has arrived in America after 233 years we have once again reached yet another defining moment in the history of our republic. It’s a day of the celebration for our democracy ushering in a new era. The destruction of greed, corruption and moral ineptitude of the past 8 years has come to an end. And along with it a new generation of Americans that will forever change the nature of this country. The echo of the baby boom era once that experienced the promises of a John Kennedy soon will render its electoral dominance to this new generation that propelled Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008. A new majority that’s more tolerant and diverse then past generations in hopes of shaping their future in a more civil world focused on solving the immense challenges of the future. Just as the torch was passed to a new generation of Americans from the crew cuts and flat tops of the silent generation of the Eisenhower years to the Kennedy years and the sixties that saw immense upheavals and change.

On January 20, 2009 we have reached that defining moment in our history faced with the potential of economic instability that we haven’t seen since the great depression. It was America who ended the age of kings that began this great experiment that at the beginning was imperfect, but in its historical context, it changed the world forever leaving us today with the longest enduring democracy. It took us until the era of Lincoln to finally absolve the issue of slavery and yet longer to finally give women the right to vote.
Change is a slow process that eventually arrives out of necessity and here again we begin. It is once again upon us and will forever change America and what we stand for.

However there remains ignorance that result in hatred that still mares the American landscape. This past election has shown us that Americans no longer will build on this pretense of divide and conquer. To demean another fellow American through manipulation of deception only shows intolerance for truth. Whether it is the injection of the word Negro to project blatant racism or lies to inject fear. We’re seeing a new era of optimism against a tide of unprecedented challenges. But that’s what we are about, that’s truly American and it’s what we must be to greet the future. In the smoldering ruins of a failed strategy lays a philosophy of deceit that will now regulate itself to the foot notes of history. Those who helped construct the house of cards now find themselves adrift searching for relevance in a new world that finds them now irrelevant. They now fade as part of a shattered foundation.
No one person can resolve the great challenges upon us but ourselves and so we must once again rise to the occasion. We must begin right now to rebuild this great country and believe we can do it. Belief always precedes the creative effort and the ultimate results. As Lincoln once said:

"The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle-field, and patriot grave, to every living heart and hearth-stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Life is all about people who either make things happen and then there are those that watch things happen usually to themselves. Nothing stops the historical march of change when it arrives at port, and for those that try to hold on to this rush in denial, render themselves to the past. As historic massive crowds converge on Washington, we can once again ask ourselves if we can have the audacity of hope for the coming years. And the answer most certainly is, yes we can.