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Entertainment > Jon & Kate: the Never Ending Story

Jon & Kate: the Never Ending Story

The sociopaths continue their never ending divide. A story that started out as the struggles of a large family has nosed dived into the abyss of absurdity.

When Kate Gosselin appeared on Monday's "Today" show, she told host Meredith Vieira that she still loves her soon-to-be ex, "the Jon I knew." However, the stars of TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" seem to have lost that loving feeling.

Early in the evening Thursday, the cops arrived at the Gosselin family home in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, where the exes were in an . Kate Gosselin confirmed she called police.

"[Police] got there and calmed the situation down,"No one was arrested and no citations were issued."

Apparntly Kate called the house to find out which babysitter was helping with the children. She didn't approve, So time to argue with Jon. Kate must have control it seems by any means possible.

"Due to the custody agreement, Kate couldn't enter the property," the source says. "The cops had no choice but to tell Kate she couldn't go past the gate." Must of blew her mind being told she can't do something.

In tears, Kate left and went to a nearby hotel.

Tears are something Kate is getting used to: In this week's PEOPLE the now single mother says, "I cry all the time, in numerous airports, in airplanes."

She'd rather not have her emotional life be so public, but she says, "It's not like I can put the tears on hold. So I try to cry very incognito, behind my sunglasses. And after those tears, there's always the feeling of, 'how did I get here

How Kate, how about $75,000 pr episode? And this at any cost while you drag these poor kids through this public charade? I for one could care less, but I wish one of them

posted on Aug 15, 2009 12:43 AM ()

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